

  • well i thought you were talking about me when i read your post! I am michelle and i have just put on over a stone since i last was here but today im back i done the dreaded weigh in ( it was worse than i thought) I binge i am praying I can get this under control as I do not want my daughter who are 9 and 7 to have the FAT…
  • wow you look amazing but i bet you feel even better THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your story its very inspirational xx
  • Hi there!! I'm Michelle a mum of 2 children what makes losing weight more difficult for me is the fact i lost all of my teeth when i was 28 (3 yrs ago) as my daughter took all my nutirents etc from my body during my 2nd pregnancy so i cant eat the things i love like crunchy carrots and fresh salad sandwiches you know :( i…
  • Hi there, I am michelle i'm 30 and i have two children and i have put on 7 stone egh!! i am now ready to do somethingabout it and i have started using my phone app and pc to help me through this. i think i am actually addicted to food or I have learbed to use it as a pick me up or coping mecanism like an alcoholic would i…