Looking for a "Binge Buddy"

Hi all! I have been binging a LOT lately. It started around August of last year, and although a couple times I have gotten myself under control, all of a sudden, something will happen, and it will start all over again. I know there are people out there having similar problems. I was hoping to find someone to be my "binge buddy." we could message back and forth frequently to help each other out, and hopefully keep each other accountable. if anyone is interested, please, let me know! i think this would be a great way to support each other.


  • Lemornhamilton
    Hey, I know exactly how u feel. Ive been having bad binge eating issues for way over a year now and find it really hard to control. Would love to be ur friend and we can both tackle this bad habit together ! :)
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Periodic binger here, specifically around TOM or just when something has upset me and I don't deal with it in a healthier way. Had a binge tonight actually, lot of rubbish, but progress is in sight as I sat and as I was eating, I was aware that I was not actually enjoying the food, and it seemed tasteless...and we are talking chocolate here, lol. It showed me that it really does change your taste if you go a week or two with little to no refined sugar in your diet. Feel free to add me.
  • liveyourlifex
    liveyourlifex Posts: 149 Member
    I've been bingeing since the past halloween! i now binge multiple times a day. i hate this so much, which makes me hate myself. I'm always on MFP although i barely log my foods anymore, due to my horrible binges. I'm not overweight YET. I'm at a perfect weight (started bingeing after anorexia) but if i keep going, ill soon reach the overweight mark someday... message me whenever!
  • AmelodyAngel
    AmelodyAngel Posts: 152 Member
    I have that same problem! :( Sometimes I just start and cant stop and in that moment I do not care! I will just eat until I get that happy feeling that food gives me. Sometimes I eat and if it does not full fill my craving I will eat more of something else. It really is a problem!
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    feel free to add me! i struggle with the same thing and know exactly how you feel. its so frustrating at times! my inbox is always open :)
  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    I used to binge ALL THE TIME. I still do have my days where I do, and I know having support when you do this is the best way to feel better about it and get back on track!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
    I struggle tooo cx
  • moc2472
    moc2472 Posts: 4
    well i thought you were talking about me when i read your post! I am michelle and i have just put on over a stone since i last was here but today im back i done the dreaded weigh in ( it was worse than i thought) I binge i am praying I can get this under control as I do not want my daughter who are 9 and 7 to have the FAT mum , i just wanna be healthy and comfortable in my skin like i was in my pre pregnancy years , if you ever wanna chat just add me ill always be here , good luck you can do it x
  • cdl42
    cdl42 Posts: 41
    Hi all! I have been binging a LOT lately. It started around August of last year, and although a couple times I have gotten myself under control, all of a sudden, something will happen, and it will start all over again. I know there are people out there having similar problems. I was hoping to find someone to be my "binge buddy." we could message back and forth frequently to help each other out, and hopefully keep each other accountable. if anyone is interested, please, let me know! i think this would be a great way to support each other.
    Well from the title I thought you were looking for someone to binge with, but now that I understand you just want help stopping I am in for that. You can add me if you want.:tongue:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    This post is 2 years old, guys.
    I doubt the Op is still even around.
    Wish people would check post dates before resurrecting ancient forum artefacts, lol.
  • marymom
    marymom Posts: 26
    I would like that sort of support. Im a weekend binger. I dont have it under control right now. Please add me. :)