Hit the nail on the head... Is that how the saying goes? If you mark yourself above sedentary MFP will take it into account, if you mark yourself as sedentary you have to log it (which would be more accurate).
I feel something similar to that last bit sometimes. You're on the right track with what to do next though. You've set a goal day to when you're going to allow yourself to "cheat" "indulge" "go over" whatever, and that's the important part. As you can tell it's hard to stay motivated about being clean when there's no goal…
I find weighing to only be useful if done sparingly (i.e. weekly, bimonthly). If you weight yourself everyday you might improperly blame fluctuation on certain choices you've made and it could affect your psyche with your goal. Couple that with the emphasis you're putting on numbers rather than what you see in the mirror…
Any change from sedentary to active will help you lose weight.
But remember, when looking at these studies you have to look at lipolysis AND FFA oxidation. They go hand in hand in burning fat.
Yes, exactly, which leads me to the question studies like that raise to myself which is what the OVERALL fat metabolism. Studies continue to show us fat metabolism here and there from different methods, but which methods provide the best net fat metabolism. Does this study's method's of longer term fat metabolism outweigh…
Well what seems to be the problem??? lol
- I guess what I forgot to mention was that eating before a workout is beneficial in the longer term for fat metabolism as shown in this study. This study didn't measure fat metabolism during exercise, but rather the effects at 12 and 24 after the exercise.
That would be considered anecdotal and not through scientific method. Sorry. But as for that HGH statement, I will definitely be looking into that, thank you!
HIIT/strength/steady cardio with a strict diet and I believe you can make a lot of progress!
Put in a small stick of wonka pixy stix. The serving on the nutritional tab is for 7 sticks! So 1 hardly adds any calories, plus it's all dextrose which is beneficial post workouts and hardly comparable to fructose.
So here's my experience: I decided that the best way for me to stay clean was to make it a goal to last till my cheat day and would cycle through that in 1 -1.5 week intervals... well when I got to that cheat day I felt as if I had the OBLIGATION to cheat as much as possible knowing it would be a while since I'd get any…
Oh god, hill sprints... oh god....... 30 degree hill...... oh god.... I'm gonna have flashbacks and nightmares tonight......
Solid work! Just for clarity though! That was a chin up, and pull ups are with your palms facing away from you
Okay, you have to trust me on this. Nonfat plain ZOI greek yogurt. Other brands taste so off I find. Anyways, this stuff will be fairly displeasing at first, it was for me and i discarded it at first... but then a while later decided that it was too healthy to pass up so I forced myself to include it in my diet regardless.…
You all go! Very inspiring to see you all staying fit at your age!
Bulgarian Split Squats to complete parallel with ballistic reps at a fast pace. 6x20 each leg going from one to the other. You sorta have to adjust your position and posture to feel the burn in the right spots, but for someone who squats/deadlifts high weight, I was surprised just by how much this workout managed to kick…
If you can't go to the gym, find bodyweight exercises. Do this quick routine upon waking, bit before sleep, and one or two more times throughout the day. Pushups 3-4 sets to failure Situps 3 -4 sets to 75% max reps or something like that Bulgarian split squats 3 sets each leg of whats comfortable. Nothing big, but it's…
On a girl, upper arms. Not muscular or anything, but just enough tone. Girls who don't have any shape or tone in their arms just don't look human to me.
HIIT = higher resting metabolism = hunger
It's too late for me to analyze the whole post, but I will tell you something you should abandon immediately: Training in a fasted state, it is a myth that it helps. Studies have proven that those who have a meal in the morning prior to a workout burn more fat than those who have a meal afterwards. You're body NEEDS carbs…
The reason I say keep on a regimen for 3 months for someone going through experiences like OP is because there are other factors that might affect her "weight loss." Of course lifting isn't going to yield immediate weight loss results. But in the long haul, if she continues lifting (yes, even with regular maintenance…
I've been wanting to try goat milk for a while. Heard all the good things about it, but I've also read contradicting studies. Can't seem to find it, so I've been sticking with whole milk and have cut down a massive amount of milk that I drink.
Losing weight correctly: Step 1: Throw away your scale Step 2: Buy a mirror Step 3: Pick a regimen, stick through it for a 3 month period, and decide if it's working or not.
Let me break it down for you... to lose weight = less calories in than calories burned. The more muscles you have, the more calories your body burns while not doing anything. You metabolism increases. That's why muscular people can go for the longest periods without any working out and not put on a pound. Building up…
They're so great alone, and the best part is that they're easy to cook up. Poke holes and 5 minutes in the microwave (let sit another 3 to continue cooking). What I do sometimes on weightlifting days is mash the insides of one microwaved sweet potato, mix in protein powder, and peanut butter.... soooo goooood.
For me it's mostly mental. But if I have something bad that's not very solid, like a lot of ice cream, but body will almost immediately start regurgitating it. Especially if it's after a meal. It just straight rejects it.
My mouth is watering so badly right now. I love you
Peanut Butter Bologna sandwich...
This is a great idea. The more often you weight yourself, the more you become fixated on the idea that the weight you see the weight you are; whereas you should be seeing yourself at a lower weight before you even get there. Mentality plays a huge role in changing your physique and seeing your current numbers every day…