mia0606 Member


  • I'm with you too! I had a baby 12 weeks ago and I'm at a plateu! It was so much easier to lose when I was in my 20's (I have a 5 year old too) and now that I'm in my 30's it's a lot harder! I just ordered and plan on starting the 21 Day Fix next week so we will see!
  • I would say add in weight training 3x/week
  • What is Phentermine? Never heard of it?
  • Hi! Nice to meet you! I am 30 weeks today and have worked out he entire time during pregnancy, except when I was sick with morning sickness too. However I also worked out pretty steadily up until I got pregnant so my doctor ok'd me to continue as long as I felt ok so make sure you talk to your doctor about what you can and…
  • EllieMo1 how about adding more protein to your diet? Or at least balancing fruit with some Greek yogurt. The Fage yogurt has 23 grams of protein for 1 cup. Also, protein shakes are good too but make sure they don't have a ton of sugar in them and the most all natural protein shakes the better (make your own for instance).…
  • Hi! Nice to meet you! I am new to this group and looking for other mommies to connect with! Is this your first pregnancy?
  • Thanks for sharing! It's nice to meet you!
  • Looking good!!! I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant and I just wanted to jump on here to start meeting new people for when I start my weight loss journey after baby is born! Thanks for the motivation!
  • Welcome! Congrats on making the choice to live a healthier lifestyle! I am new on here too and looking to meet new people!
  • NO! I've heard so many bad things about it! Especially that it contains metals and other crap! Don't put that stuff into your system. Eating CLEAN and working out is the best way to go! Watch your diet in general! Remember, it's not JUST about the calories, it's the KIND of food you are putting into your body!