

  • Hey! You can add me if you're looking for another work-out friend. I try to work out at least 3-4 times a week, but it can sometimes be hard to stay motivated...especially if I worked out all week and didn't lose a pound! I really love doing Zumba with the wii because it doesn't feel like I'm working out and the time goes…
  • Hey! My daughter was born this past February and I could definitely use some motivation as well! I gained 45 pounds while I was pregnant... the first 25 pretty much fell off in the few week after she came home, but this last 20 has been some hard work! I LOVE the "Walk Away the Pounds" Workout DVD's by Leslie Sansone. I…
  • Hey! I'm a new mom too! My daughter is 4 months old... I gained 45 pounds during my pregnancy... the first 25 fell off once I got home--I've already lost 10 on MFP and have that final 10 to go! It seems to be to hardest 10 pounds to get rid of but I'm pretty determined to fit back into my pre-baby clothes!
  • Sunday is usually my "cheat day." I don't go overboard, but I tend to have some chocolate at night with a good TV show. I actually got this mentality from when I did the Weight Watchers Program. In the program you get 29 points/day and 40 extra points/week. I would usually save up my extra weekly points and use them on the…
  • I've been on for two weeks and really like it. I also did Weight Watchers Online, but it doesn't make sense to pay all that money when this program is free. It's also easier to track calories rather than figuring out how many points each food is worth. Good luck on your weight loss journey!