Just had a baby and ready to get back to this!

I just had my six week check up and I am ready to start slowly getting back into losing weight. Any other moms or people out there willing to help give support?? I need a boost getting back started. I was doing it last year and had lost 65 pounds but gained about 53 during pregnancy giving birth to a 10lb 6.9 ounce baby boy on May 17th. I have lost 33 pounds since giving birth but still have a long journey ahead of me. :smile: Whos with me ?


  • Juelz2013
    Juelz2013 Posts: 33
    Congrats....I recently just had a baby as well :) she is 6 months already! I was in your shoes not too long ago, so if you need support, i'm here :)
  • sunnydayz71
    sunnydayz71 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, I just had a baby too. Well, he's 6 months old, a Christmas baby. Anyways, I just officially lost all the baby weight today and now am working on losing 30 to 40 lbs. more. Feel free to add me if you like. I log on every day and have had great success with MFP. Congratulations on your new baby :smile:
  • Hey! I'm a new mom too! My daughter is 4 months old... I gained 45 pounds during my pregnancy... the first 25 fell off once I got home--I've already lost 10 on MFP and have that final 10 to go! It seems to be to hardest 10 pounds to get rid of but I'm pretty determined to fit back into my pre-baby clothes!