New Mommy Seeking Motivated Pals :)

:smile: I just had my first child on May 3, 2013!!! She is the most incredible and amazing miracle I could have ever imagined...

BUT now it's time to shed the 20 lbs that are clining to me since her arrival!!!

Are there any other new mommies or experienced moms that are willing to motivate and support me during this new phase of weightloss? I would appreciate any words of wisdom and encouragement...and of course, to hear all about your own little darlings :happy:

Note: Dads, i'm open to your friendship and support as well, just mainly was thinking of the awesome moms who could share in the experience with me...


  • emmamc252
    emmamc252 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi. My newest arrival was born on 27th may. No 2 for me. Have a look through my posts and I posted on the success stories board to show my post pregnancy weight loss last time. (My 1st is now 23months)
    I got huge both pregnancies, both were high risk and this time I had a csection.
    I've been calorie counting for 4 weeks now, just walking/running round after the kids and 14lb has dropped off. Now I'm 6 weeks post and had the ok from dr I started insanity this morning and am doing some very light jogging/rowing when I can fit it in.
    I NEED to be back in my skinny jeans and swim suit by December as were going on holiday to Florida!!

    More than happy to help.
    I'd say work on losing the lbs but I'd also really recommend Pilates to try to repair your core muscles. Last time I went to a class with a couple of mummy friends and was amazing!! This time I'm going back to work part time so we don't have the money for fancy gyms and private classes. I'm going to do blogilates (google it) again try to fit it in somewhere.

    As for work out time the only way I've ever managed it is first thing in the morning (5:30am at the minute!) myley do get used to it!
  • Jordan029
    Jordan029 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all! My first child was born in 2012 and she's the most wonderful thing ever but I have not been able to lose the weight I gained during pregnancy, about 60 pounds, I've lost some but have about 40 to go! I would love to motivate and encourage each other! It's so hard to diet/exercise with a baby!
  • Hey! My daughter was born this past February and I could definitely use some motivation as well! I gained 45 pounds while I was pregnant... the first 25 pretty much fell off in the few week after she came home, but this last 20 has been some hard work! I LOVE the "Walk Away the Pounds" Workout DVD's by Leslie Sansone. I usually do a three mile walk 2 times a week and a two mile walk 3 times a week. With the exercise every morning (followed by a wonderful cup of coffee) I really get my metabolism going. I've already lost 10 pounds. But now that I only have my final 10 pounds to lose to get to my pre-baby weight I feel like I've been losing weight MUCH SLOWER and its kind of bumming me out! Hopefully I can get myself back on track asap!
  • kenmunson333
    kenmunson333 Posts: 51 Member
    Congratulations on being a parent! I assume you checked the baby for an owner's manual? None came with mine, either. Our kids were born 19 years ago but sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday. Being a parent has been the most challenging, amazing, difficult, strenuous, heart-warming, tedious, incredible, at times heart-breaking, and yet wonderful adventure I've ever had. And guess what? It never ends!

    In a way, we were lucky. My wife was carrying triplets so she was back to her pre-pregnancy weight within a couple weeks after giving birth. I was the one who put on post-pregnancy weight. Well, I'd always had a weight issue but having a trio of little girls to care for cut into my me-time for doing any kind of workout. Went from hiking and mountain climbing to just walking around with 3 kids strapped to me or in a wagon. I took my job as dad very seriously and in spite of all the weight gain, I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on their growing up.

    Finally realized I was close to missing out on seeing them through college and beyond because of the weight and decided to do something about it. Lost it all and now I'm working at keeping it off. If you think advice from a father can help, feel free to add me.