

  • Great! I had a moment where I thought, "Maybe my cardiovascular system is broken." My heart rate was steady and lovely the whole time! Glad to know it's not atypical! Definitely looking forward to it again; it was like the stars aligned: a rain, a lovely beat, breath coming steady, legs on autopilot. I did crash pretty…
  • Honestly, I think you just have to jump in and do it. (A little swimming humor there!). Competitive swimming skills will probably come back to you pretty easily, if you've done the drill before. I would definitely suggest joining a master swim class, with folks who swim for exercise. When I was beginning again, I told…
  • I'm 5'1" and my goal weight is 125.
  • My diet is under 1200 calories, which doesn't feel restrictive at all. I'm 5'1" and have about 60 lbs to lose. Sometimes I don't reach 1200 calories, but I don't feel that hungry. I'm running 4 miles about 4-5 times per week (but I run SLOW); it takes me about an hour to go 4 miles. I feel fine, but do want this to be…
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