

  • I did interval training at one time but started out really slow.. extremely slow and did simple short interval training. Interval training is not for everyone, bu tit doesn't hurt to try.
  • I know that feeling I gained 2 pounds one week and the next a didn't lose a pound. Hope you have better luck next weigh in.. wish I had a solution for you..
  • I use Pandora you can create your own station by chosing a group you like and it plays music that fits in the same genre.. I love it I have found if I can do my workout tapes at home and turn on my Pandora I get alot more done..
  • YOU look GREAT KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK...:tongue:
  • I can't believe he said that and no one at the table said anything. I would have lost it, but I have a really big mouth. Don't let someone like get you down.
  • I agree my doctor once told me that when I was hungry when I know I should be full was my body's way of telling me that I am needing to drink something like water or juice. I tend to drink alot of water with crushed ice chewing on the ice gives me feeling that I am eating food. I only do the ice things when I am over m y…