

  • lift weights..and heavy as you can go for 6-8 reps..dont make huge defecits..cut cardio...but do HIIT or resistance 3-5 days a week at need lean muscle mass and an increased metabolism...cut 20% from your BMRR (your daily amount you need just to survive) the bigger you are the more of a defecit you can…
  • do what is right for you...if it works for you thats good...i plateaued for almost 6 months because i followed everyone elses advice
  • hi im also a pear and only 5.3 and along with a clean protein/paleo based diet i can honestly say my hips and thighs and bum have completely slimmed down since doing les mills combat 6 days a week and les mills pump 3 times a week...the combination of the combat & HIIT with lifting is working miracles and squatting and…
  • hi i just wanted to reply to this as this was me last year...i then tried intermittent fasting and gained weight...i saw a specialist who told me my metabolism had basically slowed i had no ebergy was gaining again...i was told to seset my 6 smalls meals a day basically 3 small protein based meals two…
  • hi, im 5.3 and 43 and 194 pounds...and i thought id chime in here as my weight loss has gone through the roof since i started lifting weights.....i do les mills combat daily too so there is my strength training interval training with a les mills junkie but since i incorporated lifting..(around a month agao )…
  • i know this is late to join this tread but i stumbled upon it aftersome late night research and thought you would like to hear about my 13 month plateau and how i got through long story short...lost 2 stone in 7 months calorie counting and eating low carb then put on a few pounds on holiday as was eating bread cake…
  • then you might like extreme shed & shred....she works you for 1 hour 15 ..i loved it
  • its a real shame there are so many negatives around this thread or his book rather...he is advocating very clean & lean eating wna there is absolutely nothing wrong with that...hes not telling you not to eat protein or carbs atc...only very good complex why all the negativity...ive lost 3 stone and 2 pound…
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