Bob Harper's "Jumpstart to Skinny"...anyone tried it?



  • ushie2611
    ushie2611 Posts: 8
    its a real shame there are so many negatives around this thread or his book rather...he is advocating very clean & lean eating wna there is absolutely nothing wrong with that...hes not telling you not to eat protein or carbs atc...only very good complex why all the negativity...ive lost 3 stone and 2 pound following this and a paleo diet, so basically hybrid...i eat lean protein but not to much as i dont want it converting to glucoe...but i eat less carbs daily..only 20to 30gram and they all come from vegetables...i leave fruit alone because of the sugar content...i do 25 mins of cardio HIIT a day ( 30 day shred) and walk my dog...when im watching TV i lift weights...and when the kettle is boiling i do squats..sometimes i fast...sometimes i dont....i dont have to fit it in to a life is a lifestyle...forget starvation mode bull****...stored fat is there for a be used when there is a big deficit INSTEAD of muscle...ive burnt ketones and felt clean...look after your muscles and you cant go far wrong...
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Bob Harper and everyone else involved with The Biggest Loser can eat a bag of Richards. They set dangerous and unrealistic expectations for people who are trying to get healthy. Then when people hear what contestants actually go through to lose that much in such a short time, they immediately try to do it themselves. The problem is, it's dangerous, and most people don't have a team of doctors standing by when they crash. They are taking advantage of people financially, emotionally, and physically.

    People need to take responsibility for themselves, but that doesn't make anything the *kitten* involved with that show do, any better or more noble. **** Bob Harper.