Bob Harper's "Jumpstart to Skinny"...anyone tried it?

Just heard about Bob Harper's (Biggest Loser coach) new book. Supposedly you can lose up to 20 lbs. in 3 weeks.
At first I was like "No way" because the 3 meals equal under 1,200 cals, but then I guess you're supposed to munch veggies all day whenever you get hungry. Doesn't seem as bad now, but I still wonder if people have actually had success with it.

Anyone try it?


  • sumasiangirl
    hmm idk but i do know that christine only eats veggies all day..and like no meat. you should also eat every 2 hours. cutting dairy and carbs is good for you too to lose weight..
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    Sure, it'll work. It's a calorie deficit. However, is it maintainable, or is it just going to perpetuate a cycle of yo yo dieting? That's really up to you to decide. For some, it will be a great jump start and they will be able to add back in a few extra calories and maintain their weight loss. For others, it is going to be too restrictive and is going to set in motion potential binges. But for three weeks, it wont hurt you. But really think about whether or not its going to help you or set in motion binges.
  • katiej72000
    katiej72000 Posts: 5 Member
    That's true, Anjo! I definitely don't want to be hungry, so I like that if I did this 3-week plan I could snack on veggies whenever I needed to. Not looking to feel deprived.

    You are very right, dietstokes. I'm still trying to figure that out...I WANT it to be just the 3 weeks and a jumpstart, and then back to my normal calories and rate of losing. I have so much to lose it'd be nice to get a "headstart" just to get the ball rolling. If it will work like that or if it will backfire, I don't know. I've never done a program like this. I suppose if I started to binge I could just stop the program and go back to normal. Something to think about, thanks!
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    the preview of this book on amazon gives you some information on it. It is for vanity weight, claims 10lbs in 3 weeks and is 800 cals per day for women + unlimited veggies if you need them. It says it is specifically for a dress or an event or something like that which is why it is extreme to get you to that goal. It isn't meant for people with long term bigger goals.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    That's true, Anjo! I definitely don't want to be hungry, so I like that if I did this 3-week plan I could snack on veggies whenever I needed to. Not looking to feel deprived.

    You are very right, dietstokes. I'm still trying to figure that out...I WANT it to be just the 3 weeks and a jumpstart, and then back to my normal calories and rate of losing. I have so much to lose it'd be nice to get a "headstart" just to get the ball rolling. If it will work like that or if it will backfire, I don't know. I've never done a program like this. I suppose if I started to binge I could just stop the program and go back to normal. Something to think about, thanks!

    You will not be able to go back to eating normally AND losing after eating 800cals for 3 weeks. You'll gain weight (and maybe cen some more). I find it disgusting that a so-calle professional says that eating 800cals a day for 3 weeks is a HEALTHY way to lose weight. This man is so focused on "skinny this, skinny that."
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Doesn't sound effective or sustainable,

    Just the title 'Jumpstart to Skinny' says it all.

    Personally I'd like to give everyone involved in the 'The Biggest Loser' a swift kick in the rear end.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Not good in my opinion.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Since I have read and heard about this new nonsense he is promoting I lost the last teeeeny bit of respect I had for Bob Harper.

    A lot of women will follow it. And what really annoys me, is a person giving such advice calls himself a professional.

    One can just hope that people will not blindly run after his advices.
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    hmm idk but i do know that christine only eats veggies all day..and like no meat. you should also eat every 2 hours. cutting dairy and carbs is good for you too to lose weight..

    If you're going to give advice try to make its bit more substantial than cut this and that it's a lot more complex than that.

    I can't comment on your intake as not looked at your diary- for me I eat 45% carb, 35 % protein and 20% fat and i eat around 2500 cals a day losing 2lbs a week of FAT/ WAter not muscle

    It works for me may/ may not work for you.

    I've lost what little respect I had for Bob Harper since this and his new book/ 'Diet Came out he sold out and millions of people in the US and here in the UK will follow it blindly without knowing the damage it's doing.

    I want to be fit and strong not skinny that is the goal. I'm trying to lose body fat and inches not muscle.

    Good Luck :)
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    I've lost what little respect I had for Bob Harper since this and his new book/ 'Diet Came out he sold out and millions of people in the US and here in the UK will follow it blindly without knowing the damage it's doing.

    I want to be fit and strong not skinny that is the goal. I'm trying to lose body fat and inches not muscle.

    Good Luck :)

    Yup, Agreed. Anyone who touts a VLCD for vanity purposes is driving the hatred people have for their bodies and perpetuatuing the myth that VLCD are good for you.
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member

    I've lost what little respect I had for Bob Harper since this and his new book/ 'Diet Came out he sold out and millions of people in the US and here in the UK will follow it blindly without knowing the damage it's doing.

    I want to be fit and strong not skinny that is the goal. I'm trying to lose body fat and inches not muscle.

    Good Luck :)

    Yup, Agreed. Anyone who touts a VLCD for vanity purposes is driving the hatred people have for their bodies and perpetuatuing the myth that VLCD are good for you.

    ^ She nailed it.
  • marieskee
    marieskee Posts: 120 Member
    The sad thing about "diets" of this nature is, it appeals to someone desperate to lose weight! It gives false hope and in my opinion hinders healthy thinking! The only way to lose weight for the long haul is to have a lifestyle change. Eating less(counting calories), eating clean, and working out! This may work on the biggest loser ranch because after the 20 pounds they have professional trainers and medical profession to aid in continuance. In the real world you lose the 20 pounds and after that it's 1 or 2 pounds a week, if that! Then next thing you know your discouraged and binge or give up out of frustration from the false hope, I'm guessing. Bottom line is I would not set myself up for such failure.
  • pure_of_heart
    pure_of_heart Posts: 32 Member
    I'm giving it a try but my mindset is this is just what the title says... a "Jumpstart"... not a long term solution. My plan at end of three weeks is to switch to is his plan that is a long term, sustainable one.

    The 800 calories per day at first seemed like you'd start to destroy muscle, slow down metabolism and/or set myself up with a serious hunger pains that I go into binge mode either before it is up or after it is up. Then upon looking at the actual plan and recipes I realized the plan combined with his exercise plan (i.e. if you're doing high intensity aerobics and strength training it will not be enough) is healthy. It provides the protein, fiber, fat and other nutrients your body needs. Plus, it really isn't just restricting you to just 800 calories per day... it's the KIND of calories he's restricting. He has an extensive list of vegetables that you can graze on all day whenever you get hungry. Granted, they're very low calorie but they will fill you up and provide more energy.

    Personally, I'm coming off a two month pause in my weight loss goal due to an injury. I kept off the weight I had lost despite being sedentary for weeks at a time and dealing with some emotional eating... but now that I'm healed and motivated again... wanting to get back on track faster. I realize I can't lose in 3 weeks what I could have lost in 2 months but I will make up for some of that lost time. Plus, Bob Harper's communication style and philosophy is very motivating to me.
  • pure_of_heart
    pure_of_heart Posts: 32 Member
    I'm giving it a try but my mindset is this is just what the title says... a "Jumpstart"... not a long term solution. My plan at end of three weeks is to switch to is his plan that is a long term, sustainable one.

    The 800 calories per day at first seemed like you'd start to destroy muscle, slow down metabolism and/or set myself up with a serious hunger pains that I go into binge mode either before it is up or after it is up. Then upon looking at the actual plan and recipes I realized the plan combined with his exercise plan (i.e. if you're doing high intensity aerobics and strength training it will not be enough) is healthy. It provides the protein, fiber, fat and other nutrients your body needs. Plus, it really isn't just restricting you to just 800 calories per day... it's the KIND of calories he's restricting. He has an extensive list of vegetables that you can graze on all day whenever you get hungry. Granted, they're very low calorie but they will fill you up and provide more energy.

    Personally, I'm coming off a two month pause in my weight loss goal due to an injury. I kept off the weight I had lost despite being sedentary for weeks at a time and dealing with some emotional eating... but now that I'm healed and motivated again... wanting to get back on track faster. I realize I can't lose in 3 weeks what I could have lost in 2 months but I will make up for some of that lost time. Plus, Bob Harper's communication style and philosophy is very motivating to me.

    Also... I am seeing it as an experiment... I'm tracking how filling/satisfying the recipes happen to be, how I feel each phase and end result. So if you want to wait 3 weeks... I will share it. :)
  • janettemalecha
    Well, I would like to know how it's going for pure_of_heart. I just started today.
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    jump start it will be, but what happens when you go back to what ever you were doing before? i have not seen this addressed by Bob on the few sightings on shows recently.

    anyone recall hearing that a "diet" is just the word DIE with the letter T added on the end??????? I really dislike hearing the word diet as this is so typically associated with a temporary fix, short term unsustainable intake.

    How about working with a healthy intake/meal plan and making sure to be mindful of carbs/proteins/grains/fiber etc.

    Good luck to OP with however you decide to proceed. Be careful:heart:
  • pure_of_heart
    pure_of_heart Posts: 32 Member
    Well, I would like to know how it's going for pure_of_heart. I just started today.

    It is going really well... I noticed today that my skin and eyes are looking clearer as as a result of all the veggies, fruit and water. Those 800 calories are incredibly nutrient dense. And if I get hungry, there's a long list of vegetables I can eat to my heart's desire. A few of the recipes are so tasty and filling, I added them to my "routine" pile.

    I do think those who don't like to grocery shop/cook... don't like vegetables... and are challenged timewise may find this hard to keep up for 3 weeks. I work from a home-based office with a grocery store a 5 minute stroll so easier for me to follow the meal and exercise plan.
    jump start it will be, but what happens when you go back to what ever you were doing before? i have not seen this addressed by Bob on the few sightings on shows recently.

    anyone recall hearing that a "diet" is just the word DIE with the letter T added on the end??????? I really dislike hearing the word diet as this is so typically associated with a temporary fix, short term unsustainable intake.

    How about working with a healthy intake/meal plan and making sure to be mindful of carbs/proteins/grains/fiber etc.

    Good luck to OP with however you decide to proceed. Be careful

    I think it is very obvious what will happen if you stick to his plan for three weeks the go back to the way you were eating prior. Not rocket science. His last chapter is all about transitioning to a sustainable, healthy weight loss program ... which means for most obese people a development of a series of new habits. He, of course, recommends that people wanting to commit to healthier lifestyle that they now move to "The Skinny Rules".
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    glad to hear that the end of the book addresses how to continue with best health. It is all in the delivery - sad that you had to include the part about rocket science........................:flowerforyou:
  • ichefmastersgirl
    ichefmastersgirl Posts: 4 Member
    I am head over heals for this book. Love Love Love the meals. I have been doing it now for a week and the foods you eat are so highly nutritional that it amazes me sometimes on how much food I get to eat. I could do my 1200 calories a day and at the end of the day be hungry. But the 40/40/20 plan makes these meals very filling and satisfying. It has helped me understand that eating 800 calories the right way and choosing the right foods that I could do this with no problem at all for 3 weeks. And then after the 3 weeks I think it will help me pick more of the more nutritional fruits and veggies out there (they are not all equal :0) I will try to consume my carbs before lunch, make sure I drink all my water and that cardio does not mean you have to go balls to the wall for 30 minutes for it to work. And after the first week I am down 7lbs.
  • mariarose88
    I totally agree. For those of you who haven't researched it, do. You get to eat a TON of food. It's just all really good for you, hence the low cals per day. The recipes are delicious and pretty simple to make. Many of them I'm going to include in my permanent repertoire. I appreciated the fact that you don't need any special kitchen gadgets to make them. Buying food for the first week was significantly more expensive than my normal grocery trip, but I'm hoping it pays off!