scrapjen Member


  • We are a Fitbit family, multiple Ones and we've only had problems with one case (the bottom plastic part fell off, it was still usable, it would just jab occasionally). Did you try contacting customer service before buying one? My son's Flex band broke, and customer service sent us out a new one immediately. For form and…
  • You'll never get Fitbit and MFP to line up exactly. I can get mine close, but usually not until the end of the day. I believe the Fitbit site calculates differently, showing you more of a calorie limit based on the time of day (rather than a set amount like MPF). My MFP has me at 1200, and like you said, Fitbit starts me…
  • I don't use MMW or anything else with MFP- but my Fitbit allowance always seems to work out close to MY estimates (from machines or HRM) although sometimes you have to wait until later in the day for it all to even out. I never get as much of an adjustment first thing in the morning, but later in the day it is more to…
  • I do an hour of Zumba most mornings ... and per my Polar, it can really vary from 250 calories burned, to my high of 535. Generally, I'm happy if it registers 400. I also put in an hour on the elliptical (three 20min sessions) ... that's my TV time (I don't watch TV unless I'm exercising). My Fitbit and machine say each…
  • I'm a huge Fitbit fan - I use mine on the treadmill and it tracks just fine (I also wear another pedometer and a HRM to compare). I also elliptical, zumba, tennis, soccer and I don't ever enter anything myself... I will input a bike ride manually (manual entries are easy, but I generally just go with what the Fitbit…
  • I did buy a Zip for hubs ... and it didn't take. #1 son then adopted it ... and lost it. I was interested enough in my son's activity (and he wanted to try it again) so I bought him one off ebay (I did get it for about $30). The problem with buying off ebay is you don't have the great Fitbit customer service. They are…
  • Always wear your Fitbit, there's no reason to take it off! But yes, add in the HRM too ... I love second opinions! I love to press the timer on my One, and so I can see it's exact estimate for a workout and then compare that to my HRM. For most of my workouts, the Fitbit comes in higher. It's made me just a tad cautious in…
  • My 15-year old son just hit 35000 (his new high) on Monday (hanging with friends all day playing soccer, basketball, volleyball and staying up and active until midnight!). I'd had that as my top badge for quite a while too until several months ago when I did surpass it and was at 38,000 near the end of the day. Even though…
  • I hadn't played tennis in years, and then did it twice a week ago (with my dad) ... although, MY tennis was pretty casual! I wear my Fitbit 24/7 ... I put my HRM that first time, but it wasn't working good (no heartbeat ... I didn't think I was dead) and as we were just playing around, I just went with what my Fitbit said,…
  • I'm 43, 5'6" and just above 150. Still attempting to lose a little more (really, just want to be UNDER 150), but have been staying steady for months. My goal is to stick to 2000 calories a day, but it is hard for me (I'm usually a little over). I'm very active ... admittedly more quantity than quality (usually a couple…
  • I've seen all sizes, shapes, ages at Zumba. I''m not overweight anymore, but that doesn't automatically mean I can dance. I can't do the body roll, I seriously don't even try :) The burn can vary so much, based on your stats and your effort. I've managed to get to my normal weight range (although would still like to lose a…
  • I just let the Fitbit estimate most everything. It is good to get an idea of what Fitbit is estimating though ... it's a little harder with the Zip, as it doesn't have a "timer" function like the One and Flex, but you can still add an "activity record" manually on the website to get the exact steps/calories for a specific…
  • I do like my HRM for the feedback during a workout as well as the calorie count estimate (although it is still just an estimate). It is interesting to watch which activities raise the heart rate, how had I have to work to do so, how quickly it drops. My HRM calorie estimates are almost always quite a bit lower than the…
  • There will occasionally be problems with syncing ... From the Fitbit to the Fitbit site (I usually try the app first, if it doesn't work I'll try forcing a sync to the computer with Fitbit Connect, but usually I'm home and around my computer dongle so I am syncing all throughout the day without issue). Sometimes it will…
  • On the far left, there is a little box with lines in it ... if you click on it, you should get some additional "tile" options and the food plan tile should be there for you to add it, then play with the settings. You'll never get MFP and Fitbit to line up perfectly, but you should be able to get them close.
  • Fitbit is going to credit you for movement ALL day long. Steps here and there will add up, not just a dedicated workout. So your Fitbit adjustment will often be higher than what you would input manually for a workout. I do think it is a very good practice to use the timer on the Fitbit to see exactly what the Fitbit…
  • I've been wearing my Fitbit for four years now ... 24/7 and I still love it. I've got the family on board now too, hubs, the kids, my parents, my brothers and their wives. We are a Fitbit family and it makes for some fun, family competition! It's hard when you work (I'm spoiled, as a SAHM with a home gym). I do get in a…
    in Fitbit Comment by scrapjen July 2014
  • I've never had my Fitbit take away any calories or minutes as I've heard other people complaining about. I think it may be something in the settings. I have the calorie estimation disabled (I think that is what may be affecting you) ... that is just in the main settings (the little wheel at the top right of the webpage,…
  • It's good to get to know your device and it's limitations. I love my Fitbit (I have the One) but know that it doesn't track certain activities correctly. I invested in a HRM as well, and use double devices for many workouts ... it is very interesting to compare the stats. I did wear my HRM a couple times for mowing the…
    in I call BS Comment by scrapjen July 2014
  • I'm a Fitbit Fan ... I've had mine for four years, and now most of my family is on board too. Makes for some fun family competition! I do have a HRM too, and it is different and provides different feedback. I use both for many activities and then compare the stats. I like having the double devices. I wear my Fitbit 24/7,…
  • I had quick success (dropped 15 pounds in a few months) when I first started MFP (tracking the food was the key) ... I've since stalled, and while I do want to lose a bit more, at least I'm out of the "overweight" category. I have my MFP set at 1200 calories too. I like that reminder of that is what I would have to stay at…
  • I'm a 20-minute elliptical gal ... but as a SAHM with a home gym, I do it 3-5 times a day. Just got into the 20min habit because often that's only as long as I could fit in between mommy duties. Also, my feet fall asleep for anything longer! All exercise is good. I tend to take it pretty easy on my elliptical (it's my TV…
  • Do you have any type of tracker? A Fitbit or a HRM? They are a good investment if you are doing activities that aren't as obvious for a calorie count. I have both, and usually wear both and then compare the estimates. My kids have a couple games they play, bouncing a racquetball against the garage door. :)
  • I used to have a playlist like that, then my Itunes burped and deleted all my playlists :( I still remember some favorites though ... "Say Something" A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera ... something so melancholy about that one "Gravity" Sarah Barielles "Keep Breathing" Ingrid Michelson "Deliver Me" Sarah Brightman…
  • I was doing a search and this popped up (I'll message you too as I doubt you happen to check back). I have been participating in Fitstudio for a few months now ... I still don't understand it completely, and there have been some minor frustrations but for the most part ... it's FREE store credit, $5 or more a week. It does…
  • Try going to the Apps tab, then there is another little line menu that has "tickers" and "badges" ... I put the "weight lost, pounds to go" on my blog using the codes there ...
  • I'm a pedometer person ... I actually wear TWO of them (an Omron and a Fitbit). My Omron has a separate reading for "aerobic" steps, which have to be a certain amount in a time frame, and over 10 minutes in length. My Fitbit also will determine how quickly steps are being taken (so it can tell the difference between a…
  • I really am addicted to the exercise ... I don't know that I'll ever master the eating. I hear this, and I believe it ... but I do still try to out-cardio my calories! *Ü* There are just so many yummy (but not good for you) foods out there, and unfortunately the "good for you" stuff doesn't appeal. Some people do actually…
  • I must be in the minority, I mean I do have a lot of fluctuations, but I can never really tie it to that time of the month at all. I do keep records of my daily weight, and mark the TOM time, but I've never really noticed any correlation. It is a good thing to be aware of though ... HATE TOM though!
  • I'll turn 44 this year. I actually do feel better now than I did in my late 20s and early 30s. I lost the weight several years ago (in 2006) quick and easy, but it has been a struggle to keep it off. I stay active ... it's the eating! I joined MFP a year ago and lost 15 pretty quick, then another 10 pretty slow. Still have…