noyoyo122 Member


  • Hi all! I've just finished the 24 day challenge! It really gave me the "kickstart" I needed to get back on track. I lost 7 lbs and 6". I too am hooked on the spark. Love it! Gives me the boost I need in the afternoons. Feel free to friend me for support. :smiley: @monneubauer2006 I was also VERY bloated and a bit cranky.…
  • Love this thread! I've always felt like that "skinny-fat" girl...trying to constantly lose those pesky 5-10 lbs. Grrrrr. Back on track now and determined to get down to my GW! It's so great to have support. Age: 45 5'4" HW: 139 CW: 129 GW: 122
  • Ditto! Good luck!
  • Welcome back! I've recently logged back on myself and would love the support. I will reach out! :smiley:
  • I'd keep at it as you have been going. I believe you are building muscle mass which weighs more than fat and as time moves on you WILL start to lose the weight. Do you feel better overall? Mood better? Clothes fitting better? Then you have big wins already. Just keep at it. And, yes, I'm going to say it...being over 40…
  • Now! I've actually started two days ago and so far so good. I made it back to the gym and have been running (not a lot, but getting there!). I'll get back on the scale this coming Monday. I figured Monday is a good day to weigh-in so as to keep me honest over the weekend.
  • In! 10 lbs would be perfect to lose and simply get back to my "fighting" weight. :embarassed: Plus, just signed up for a 5K for May 31st, so forces me to get moving!
  • I'm in too! Living in the Northeast has been challenging my motivation this year with all the snow. Ready to rock it by May! :bigsmile:
  • Hi Hot Moms. Are you planning on starting a new group soon? How can I join in? I could really use the support of other mama's on a mission. :)
  • Nice Job everyone! You can see the difference in the pictures and every little bit helps keep you motivated. Keep up the good work!
  • Hi everyone! Okay, here is my comparison shot. Excuse the bad colors as I used two different cameras. I see the biggest difference in my stomach and mid-section and unfortunately (as usual) no difference in the butt. LOL It just wants to stay with me forever! For those of you who are curious, I am 5'4" and 130 lbs.
  • Good for you! I'm doing a mixture of "minimal" P90x and cardio...I just found it too difficult last year to continue with the hour a day, so I've adapted it so it works in my schedule. We'll see how it goes!
  • It will be pure torture, but I'm in too! Talk about a motivator. :blushing: