

  • Thanks everyone... So I just changed my level to "lightly active" and changed my goal weight loss from 1 lb per week toa 1/2 lb per week, and it upped my calorie intake from 1400 to 1500. Nice! haha
  • I agree with the others...MFP sets up the best plan! I used to have an ED and eat 500 cals a day...but Ive lost more weight, kept it off, and look much healthier eating 1400 cals a day! Your weight will fall off once you start getting into the program!
  • Hey there! Eggs, beans, veggie burgers and, oatmeal are my staples. I cant imagine only eating 1200 calories...try power walking in the AM or evening to allow for some more calories!
  • Wow that sounds AMAZING!!!
  • A small bowl of cereal at night is good (just watch the sodium). I like to mix regular rice krispies with chocolate rice krispies. Low fat hot cocoa is also fave, and it fills me up quickly. (I use water instead of milk). Granola bars and trail mix with chocolate are also snacks I use. I LOVE SUGAR.
  • I measure everything, and then mix snacks in a baggie...ex: almonds, cereal, dried fruit, crackers etc. I also love carrots and hummus, light cheesesticks, yogurt, apples, and almonds.
  • Instead of avocado, try edamame hummus. I love avocado too, but this is a really tasty option also.
  • One-a-day womens multivitamins are HUGE. I can only take them now and then because they are still too big when i cut them in half.
  • Depends on how much weight you want to lose, your lifestyle, and how fast you want to lose it. As well as exercise. Someone who is already active will have a higher calorie allowance then someone who is sedentary.
  • "Nuts about Raspberries" from trader joes is amazing. I measure EVERYTHING. If I want trail mix, I get 1/4 cup. Once you log it into your MFP and see how much of your daily fat/sodium allowance it just took from you, you might not want as much anyway.
  • I used to get terrible sugar cravings... I dont keep any junk in my house. If I need chocolate, I will have some trail mix or a high fiber granola bar. If you like salt, pita chips and hummus are a good option. Edited to say that I lied! I do actually have chocolate kisses/rolos left over from christmas. But because I have…
  • Edamame hummus and their herbed Chevre goat cheese! I wish they had better produce as far as fruit is concerned, but every other category they win over other grocery stores!
  • Thank you!
  • Thank you for everyone's help. Ive been skimping on my eggs and fish lately...I really need to make sure Im getting my daily requirement of protein. Hopefully I see an improvement with the vitamins, otherwise I will go get checked out.
  • Low fat hot chocolate or some sort of sweet cereal is also a favorite.
  • Thanks for the tip on the veggies! Last time I was there, I did have that dip, but it is like a whole meal in itself! No dip this time.
  • I believe that while being clueless, some men might have good intentions. My bf knows I LOVE chocolate and candy. I have specifically asked him not to bring me any/ save me any etc. But he will go to the store and come back with a cupcake or candy etc, and when I say, "I cant have that!!!" he says, "Oh, I thought you would…
  • Hi! I always know I am going to eat poorly at night Saturday and/or Sunday because I go to my bf's. Sooo I workout both mornings and I eat healthy for breakfast and lunch. Eating poorly for 48hrs is not going to help reach a weight loss goal! As far as soda, I dont touch the stuff but I know it is really addictive. Another…
  • Hi there! What do you typically eat? What kind of exercises do you do?
  • I never took the traditional college route of living on campus, so I can only imagine what a challenge that would be. My only advice would be to make your own sandwich for lunch and make your own snack mix (cereal, pretzels, nuts) to bring to class as a snack. Unless you work out all the time, you just need to avoid the…
  • I usually cook 3/4 cup oatmeal with some fruit.... Today I am at my bfs house and will probably get a yogurt or coffee and fruit from the cafe next door!
  • Hi there! Good plan on cutting back on the entire cheat day...sometimes it just happens, but if you go into your day already knowing you can eat whatever you want, you are going to come out much worse then trying to eat well. What workouts are you currently doing at the gym? If you are serious about weight loss, I would…
  • I exercise every day and try to run 4-5 days. Even now I have days where I feel like I need to walk part of it, and other days where I feel great and run the whole thing. I think at the early stage, you shouldnt be too hard on yourself, because then you never want to do it again. Listen to some killer music that really…
  • That looks disgusting! It is just like any other cheese injected frankin-food.
  • "Honestly, I don't like oatmeal. I tried it yesterday with a few dashes of cinnamon, and I could barely eat half of it. It just didn't have any taste to me. Then again, I haven't ate it in forever. But I don't think I'll be eating it again soon. " Try 2tsp brown sugar and some sliced strawberries...or a little bit of…
  • I just looked at your diary, what the heck is a veggie patch? At 600 calories, that already should be considered fast food!
  • A professor ate nothing but twinkies and hohos and a multivitamin for a while and lost weight. However, between the sodium and the fat, being lethargic and having bad skin, I have seen some skinny people who eat fast food and they look terrible. Just because you lose weight doesnt mean you wont see the other negative…
  • I love oatmeal...I eat it almost every day and lose more weight eating that for breakfast then eggs. Maybe she was telling you this because of some nutritional defecit she noticed in your diet? If you were lacking protein throughout the rest of your day, itd make sense that she'd ask you to eat something different for…