jlynch0511 Member


  • thanks everyone. My thyroid is fine, clinically i'm perfectly healthy. Today i'm fine. I did drink extra water and had some grapes and got away from my desk and walked the halls for a bit, it seemed to help a bit. I'm gonna chalk it up to gloomy, rainy weather and recently changing my workout to 5am. That 5am wake up is a…
  • You just have to take a closer look at your schedule and block time for you. I had the same issue. I would work all day, come home and my kids would have a ton of activites I had to get them too, i.e, soccer, choir, band, etc. by the time we get home, there was dinner to make and then I was mentally and physically…
  • The elliptical is actually not hard on your knees, ankles, and feet compared to running for example. It is almost the same movement as cycling. Just be sure you are not locking your knees, always keep them soft. As far as how much cycling it would depend on several vaiables. If you take a cycling class (or spinning class)…
  • Don't be afraid of it. My husband does it, I've joined from time to time, but I really love going to the gym more. Anyway, it's a good program. It's easy on the joints, and all the excerices are custom. He shows you how to make them harder or easier depending on the level of fitness you are at. You will really enjoy it.…