

  • Thanks so much Mindelicious. RecipeZaar is my new favourite web site. Can't believe I haven't come across it before. I've put in all my many dislikes and intolerances and still come up with over 600 recipes!! Thanks as well to Bombus - I've just ordered a couple of Barbara Cousins books from Amazon. No more boring meals…
  • Really interesting topic. I knew that I wasn't supposed to go under 1200 calories but didn't really know why. Thanks to everyone who has posted - I have learnt a lot!:flowerforyou:
  • I've got several pairs of fitflops and absolutely love them. I've been using them for a few years now and tend to wear them instead of slippers when I'm doing jobs around the house. I don't really feel anything in my muscles anymore but they make a real difference to my back pain and they are so comfortable. I haven't…