

  • Congrats! It is so inspiring that your healthy eating and exercising is not only reflected on the scale but overall (sleeping better, less back pain, etc)!!!! Keep up the good work!
  • What are some tips for losing that amount in a little over 2 weeks??? That is awesome!!! Congrats!
  • Weighing yourself every week first thing in the morning....good idea! I have a tendency to weigh myself everyday too! If I feel lighter I will run into the bathroom and weigh myself, even if it is right before bed and that can be discouraging!!
  • It does, thanks!!
  • Me too!!!! One shock was the amount of calories milk. I loooove milk and while I know I don't need to cut it out of my diet, I've got to cut back! I haven't gone over my calories today but my most dangerous time of the day is coming up...coming home from my night class and wanted to snack!!