

  • How did you lose 85 lbs so quickly???????????
  • PROBLEM SOLVED!!!! We are now playing UNO PT. Whoever loses the game has to do whatever exercise we are on at the time (we made a list and just go down it). They have to do the same number of repititions as the points that are left in their hand at the end of the game. Definitly a HUGE workout!
  • No, we don't. We eat while working. Time is crazy limited so i want to know things that are fast to do while at work
  • really wish people would read my other comments, i DO work out on time off! This is strictly for extra things i can do WHILE AT work.
  • Will have to do this! thank you
  • My ankle is messed up so i can't run right now but i do work out before bed and during the day while i have down time. its not working out on my time off thats the problem, its while im in the office. i know i can pass the pt test, im just concerned that since my ankle is messed up now its going to start affecting my…
  • I am but when im at work i feel like im just too idle.
  • Thanks, I do exercise on my time off and do a little right before bed but i just want something i can do while at worl. unfortunately we dont really get breakes and everyone that i have to interact with is in the same room as i am so i can walk to their offices but i do get up and walk around the building when i can. And…
  • Will have to try this! Thank you!
  • @Cr01502 I do work out on my days off, this is strictly for my days on while im in the office
  • @Cr01502, I'm not saying that there aren't, im simply saiying that out of those 5 days on i sit at a desk for 12 hours from 7 am to 7 pm and just want to know what i can do during that time to help burn calories. im not complianing about my schedule, im asking for advice on what to do while at work, thats all
  • Thanks!
  • @tricksee i do work out on my days off and i do push ups, sit ups, leg raises, arm rotations, and use my ab wheel before i go to sleep when i get off work. I just want to know what i can do to help myself while at work rather than just sitting there doing nothing and not burning any calories.
  • All i really eat anymore is grilled chicken, steamed or raw vegetables, fruit, and yogurt. I also try to avoid drinking anything but water. any other suggestions for a better diet would be greatly appreciated.
  • Sorry if I'm seeming negative, I'm just getting sort of tired of trying when Im getting no results.
  • I walk everywhere I go. Im statinoed in Germany and find it easier just to walk places than try to drive down these tiny streets.
  • Thanks Confuzzled but thats the problem, being in the military you kind of get forced to diet and exercise but it just isnt working. @ IMD918, a little over 2 years ago i weighed over 200 pounds, now im at about 150, problem is that i just cant seem to lose anymore. My MOS has me sitting behind a desk and my unit doesnt…
  • Hello! A little over two years ago (At age 17) i weighed about 210 and am now down to 150 at 20 years old. Just 25 pounds left until i reach my goal! Funny thing is that before basic training I was down to 137 and now im back up to 150. I think I just got lazy after basic training. It is not impossible to lose the wieght…
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