micaelasrecovery Member


  • I'm not too worried about it, but like I said I'm new to all this and I'm just trying to learn the ins and outs and what's okay when and stuff like that. Thank you!
  • Thank you so much! If anyone was wondering I planned on having a 100 cal snack pack of almonds as a morning snack and two slices of turkey with cheddar cheese, an egg white and spinach on two slices of whole wheat bread for lunch and on my break I'll get the usual for dinner from McDonalds: apple slices and a premium…
  • OOPS I didn't make myself clear! Haha guys I'm eating 2,000 calories a day, I just labeled them meals 1 and 2 for this so I had something to call them! Thank you all so much for your help and support, I was really scared to post this. I promise that's not all I plan on eating that day! There'll be nuts, meat, dairy, whole…
  • bump! is bumping even allowed? I read the guidelines and didn't see anything about it but I hope I'm not missing anything~ sorry if it isn't! I'm such a noob :laugh:
  • I always get in enough protein, thank god, but that's with the help of the bars. I usually have to eat one of those a day + high protein Ensure (doctor's orders!) + yogurt + some sort of lean meat/poultry/nuts/dairy to get in enough protein and I basically just fill in the rest of my calories with carbs but it's so hard…
  • schondell: I didn't type it right aaah I mean most of my carbs come from the Quest bars and yeah oops :embarassed: I just meant my carbs usually shoot up because of the fruit. Thank you though c: howl: *sighs comically loud*