Protein, carbs, calories, EDs and workouts

I'm currently recovering from an ED and have about 5 pounds to gain. While I realize that I need to focus mainly on taking in enough calories instead of macros, I want to make sure I'm gaining all of my weight back in a healthy way.

Tuesdays are my busiest days because I'm a dancer and I have rehearsals from right after lunch until around dinner time where I have a break where I get to have dinner, then I go back all night and then I get home. Unfortunately from being there so long, I don't have a lot of chances to get in missing calories with snacks and such - I can easily find myself 600-800 under if I don't have a relatively big breakfast and/or night snack. Here's what I planned on having.

1 container of light and fit strawberry greek yogurt
1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese
1 cup whole strawberries
1 bottle of high protein ensure (doctor's orders!)
1 strawberry cheesecake quest bar
CALORIES: 576 MACROS: 73g carbs, 71g protein, 8g fat

1 white chocolate macadamia luna bar
1 blood orange chobani nonfat greek yogurt
0.5 cup raspberries
1 cup skim milk
CALORIES: 436 MACROS: 63g carbs, 31g protein, 7g fat

I know breakfast should be the highest calorie meal of the day, but would I benefit from having meal 1 as my final meal and having meal 2 as breakfast instead because of the amount of protein in meal 1? Because I know protein post-workout is really important but I don't know about having the highest calorie/carb meal of the day as my final one. I know that that is a LOT of protein for one meal but I don't get protein from many other places on Tuesday since I don't get to eat as often and since I don't have as wide of a variety to choose from. I know I probably shouldn't be worrying about it but I want to know what would be the best for building lean muscle!

This is also probably the stupidest thing ever posted on MFP. :embarassed: I'm really embarrassed to even be asking this but I'm really young, really dumb, really new and really confused. :laugh: Please don't be impatient!


  • micaelasrecovery
    micaelasrecovery Posts: 12 Member
    is bumping even allowed? I read the guidelines and didn't see anything about it but I hope I'm not missing anything~ sorry if it isn't! I'm such a noob :laugh:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    If you're worried about spreading out your protein, can you have your ensure shake as a quick in-between meal, kinda like a lunch?
  • rbeckner711
    rbeckner711 Posts: 163 Member
    You can call your meals whatever you want and eat as the time allows. I work very long hours at night so sometimes breakfast starts my day and other times it ends my day. Do what works for you. As long as the macro are good and your calories maintained, it's all good. :smile:
  • deety3
    deety3 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm not a doctor, dietician or nutritionist, but it seems a bit odd that if you're looking to gain weight, you'd be taking in only 1000 calories per day. And that's not allotting for what you burn as a dancer, which I imagine are pretty strenuous workouts.

    I understand your doctor prescribing a high protein intake to fuel the muscles you're working while dancing, but a total of 1000 calories and 15 fat per day will have you losing weight, not gaining.

    Maybe a call to your doctor, asking for guidelines on minimum levels of calories, fat, protein, fiber and carbs would be in order. And perhaps in the same call, you can ask for the same guidelines for maintenance after you reach your goal weight.

    Good luck!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'm not a doctor, dietician or nutritionist, but it seems a bit odd that if you're looking to gain weight, you'd be taking in only 1000 calories per day. And that's not allotting for what you burn as a dancer, which I imagine are pretty strenuous workouts.

    I understand your doctor prescribing a high protein intake to fuel the muscles you're working while dancing, but a total of 1000 calories and 15 fat per day will have you losing weight, not gaining.

    Maybe a call to your doctor, asking for guidelines on minimum levels of calories, fat, protein, fiber and carbs would be in order. And perhaps in the same call, you can ask for the same guidelines for maintenance after you reach your goal weight.

    Good luck!

    I'm sure she's aware of this. She's probably transitioning from an extremely low calorie diet. Sometimes people need to build up their calories slowly over a period of time so they don't shock their system. There's also an emotional component to recovery. Those changes may need to be made gradually. :flowerforyou:
  • Protein post- or preworkout only matters if you train fasted, in which case you should eat protein within 15 minutes of the workout ending. As for getting more calories, stop eating fat-free products and eat the real deal. Add lots of nuts, preferrably walnuts, as snacks. You can keep about 50 g of walnuts in a plastic bag in your pocket or hand bag, which gives you a large amount of healthy omega-3 fats as well as impressive 450 calories. Also, unless you're a vegetarian, get some fish in there. Chicken or turkey is also good. Stir fry the night before, eat with quark with pressed garlic in (can also be made the night before). Pack it in a lunch box in the morning, wrap it in paper (possibly soaked in cold water to keep it cool) and then put it in a plastic bag.

    You're not dumb. This isn't stupid. You're just learning, like the rest of us. I'm also young, but unlike you I have a lot of time, so I've spend it on studying nutrition instead of dancing, and so I know this, and you are an amazing dancer! I think it's great that you're beating the **** out of your ED. Keep going strong, girl!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I understand gradually refeeding if you were heavily restricting before ... but to truly recover in a healthy way, you're going to need more fat, more protein, and more calories overall. If you are training for that long most days, you are easily burning all of the calories you are taking in. That is detrimental to your sport - as a performer, you want to be building muscle and properly fueling a healthy body.

    I would have a discussion with your doctor to see where the balance lies in making sure you are emotionally and mentally able to keep up with the calorie intake required for your rigorous physical routine and how to best approach it as far as your diet is concerned. You want to avoid injury and make sure you are strong and healthy, and to do that you must be taking in the right amount of nutrients and calories. At this point, I would recommend adding a second Ensure shake mid-day, but again, your doctor will have the best advice.

    I wish you the best of luck - consult your doctor for the best advice, be fully honest and let them know your lifestyle so they can offer you accurate and applicable information. :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    You are doing great. You are asking questions and upping your calories and thinking about eating healthy. All good things!

    Do not worry about the order of meals - you can eat a big breakfast or a small breakfast - just eat what helps you arrive at yor goal.
    You do need to increase beyond that 1000 calories to fuel your workouts. Try nuts or other calorie rich food that will help you slowly up and gain the lbs that you want to achieve.

    Congrats on your improvements.
  • prestonam
    prestonam Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I have one question why are you eating so much food that sounds like desert? I understand you are used to going straight to sweet things to get the energy ur body is obviously craving but u need to gradually increase the amount of real food as you can like for instance having something hot or even a salad that would at least not sound like a desert. Its great how much calcium u are getting but you should try some legumes, beans (chickpeas, kidney beans etc) they are great for someone who needs loads of energy for activity like you. there are so many great recipes out there that are easy and cheap. Good Luck and going slowly will help and make it easy. I myself am recovering from an ED as know how hard it is. :-)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Not a stupid post at all. I would see if you can add in a third meal - possibly at lunchtime so you can get in more calories eventually. Possibly starting it out as a snack and then increasing the volume. Maybe focusing on veggies for that meal.

    As has been mentioned, do not worry about the order of your meals - just go with what you will be able to meet your targets the easiest. You have a good amount of protein in each meal and so swapping them around will make no appreciable difference outside of personal preference.

    Another suggestion: try swapping out your fat free dairy to full fat (or low fat if you are not comfortable with that). You need a decent amount of fats for health as well as for hormonal balance.
  • micaelasrecovery
    micaelasrecovery Posts: 12 Member
    OOPS I didn't make myself clear! Haha guys I'm eating 2,000 calories a day, I just labeled them meals 1 and 2 for this so I had something to call them! Thank you all so much for your help and support, I was really scared to post this. I promise that's not all I plan on eating that day! There'll be nuts, meat, dairy, whole grains, fruit, and veggies added on top of "meals 1 and 2" because I get to eat lunch before I go and dinner on my break. Thank you all for your help! :D
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    OOPS I didn't make myself clear! Haha guys I'm eating 2,000 calories a day, I just labeled them meals 1 and 2 for this so I had something to call them! Thank you all so much for your help and support, I was really scared to post this. I promise that's not all I plan on eating that day! There'll be nuts, meat, dairy, whole grains, fruit, and veggies added on top of "meals 1 and 2" because I get to eat lunch before I go and dinner on my break. Thank you all for your help! :D

    That is good to hear! Sounds like you are on the path to recovery and a healthy lifestyle!
  • micaelasrecovery
    micaelasrecovery Posts: 12 Member
    OOPS I didn't make myself clear! Haha guys I'm eating 2,000 calories a day, I just labeled them meals 1 and 2 for this so I had something to call them! Thank you all so much for your help and support, I was really scared to post this. I promise that's not all I plan on eating that day! There'll be nuts, meat, dairy, whole grains, fruit, and veggies added on top of "meals 1 and 2" because I get to eat lunch before I go and dinner on my break. Thank you all for your help! :D

    That is good to hear! Sounds like you are on the path to recovery and a healthy lifestyle!
    Thank you so much! If anyone was wondering I planned on having a 100 cal snack pack of almonds as a morning snack and two slices of turkey with cheddar cheese, an egg white and spinach on two slices of whole wheat bread for lunch and on my break I'll get the usual for dinner from McDonalds: apple slices and a premium southwest salad with grilled chicken, minus the dressing and tortilla strips.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I'm guessing your dance instructors or employers know that you've struggled with an ED, yeah? They should be more than accommodating as far as giving you adequate time to eat throughout the day. My son is a ballet dancer and at every professional school or organisation he's danced with, the people in charge have been very mindful and concerned with taking care of the dancers, and especially those with EDs.

    You really need at least another full meal's calories at some point in your day. If you can't get the calories all in one go, try to see about getting a couple breaks where you can eat a bit. There are opportunities for breaks throughout the day as a dancer--rehearsals involve a lot of sitting around and waiting for someone else to rehearse their part, etc. Classes should not be scheduled without some sort of break between them. Usually there is at least 10 minutes or so, and I've never known of any school or company that didn't have a scheduled lunch break. If your school or company is the bizarre exception to all this stuff, then I would definitely talk to your director and/or teachers about getting a break so you can eat, as it's crucial that you have time to do so.

    Some of the things my son takes with him each day: Baked sweet potato with butter/cinnamon (he eats it cold), big green salad with a chicken breast, granola bars, fruit, almonds, dark chocolate. He usually has a bowl of porridge with an apple or banana each morning, and perhaps some coconut milk. Another favourite breakfast of his is full fat greek yogurt with berries.

    Your protein intake is good--I also agree that you should try to get away from the fat free products. The fat isn't going to make you fat, but it will help you feel and look better.

    Be well...:flowerforyou:
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I find B vitamin complex makes me hungry if you have no appetite.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I'm not a doctor, dietician or nutritionist, but it seems a bit odd that if you're looking to gain weight, you'd be taking in only 1000 calories per day. And that's not allotting for what you burn as a dancer, which I imagine are pretty strenuous workouts.

    I understand your doctor prescribing a high protein intake to fuel the muscles you're working while dancing, but a total of 1000 calories and 15 fat per day will have you losing weight, not gaining.

    Maybe a call to your doctor, asking for guidelines on minimum levels of calories, fat, protein, fiber and carbs would be in order. And perhaps in the same call, you can ask for the same guidelines for maintenance after you reach your goal weight.

    Good luck!

    I'm sure she's aware of this. She's probably transitioning from an extremely low calorie diet. Sometimes people need to build up their calories slowly over a period of time so they don't shock their system. There's also an emotional component to recovery. Those changes may need to be made gradually. :flowerforyou:

    ^ this.
    All I will say in addition to this is as and when you feel your body lacking energy, please do eat on top of this meal plan because as you know, as a dancer you will be burning so many calories per day that 1000 cals MAY not be enough for you to feel fit and healthy in your day to day routine.

    However that being said, well done to you for reading this point of "recovering" and recognising you need to make changes. There is no reason why they can't be healthy and nutritious changes!