

  • Thanks for all the replys :) the doctor have givven me many tablets, and medicine nothing seems to work. Its horrible. I feel everyones pain, and am here for anyone who needs to talk. Have anyone been so bloated that theyve not lost weight one week? Emily x
  • thankyou all for your replys. Its such a horrible thing. i hate it and am getting so disheatrned to diet because of it :( good luck all and feel free to add me as a friend x
  • I used these and never eat no fat as i was to worried and in about 6 weeks i lost 3lb i think. So tbh i dont think there worth it? But i was thinking of usuing them again because all helps. If you go to your doctors they will give you a stronger tablet of the alli for free. :) x
  • I lost 15lb in my first 2 weeks on here. My third week (which is now) i was due TOM so i weighed and had not lost 1lb :( .. So maybe it can be done ??
  • Have heard so much about this dvd im scared haha !! but all the minutes are calories burned so hey keep going. This dvd is on amazon for £5. But im in the U.K. Em x
  • woohoo, im so excited to start mine. I wont be when im puffed out after 5 minutes haha... Let me no if ur dvd comes 2moro :) x
  • Heyy :) I feel your pain of evenings. Its so hard, once ive put my daughter to bed and its ME time its hunger time only out of bordem not becuase im hungry and its HARD. My partner sits and eats crisps and treats and i sit and drink flavored water haha. So chin up and think of WEIGHT LOSS not WEIGHT GAIN :) Feel free to…
  • Heyy :) ive been on the site for 2 weeks tomoro and ive lost nearly a stone. So am well happy. I need to loose alot more though. Good luck x