thatshistorical Member


  • Also, think about the long term effects of buying items like canned veggies and convenience meats (chicken nuggets or fingers). Losing weight is about being healthy, not just eating under your deficit. Your body would be better off with WHOLE foods and will perform better.
  • I work for a non profit and my girlfriend is a teacher...we choose to spend our money on a nicer apartment instead of entertainment--and thankfully I do the grocery shopping so I can share how I cut dollars. Go to multiple stores. Browse sale papers online, make a plan. Use the coupons in your local mailers, but only if…
  • Try unsalted stock instead of broth. MUCH better for you.
  • Sorry about typos! Submitted on my Phone.
  • Start small. Eliminate red meat for 6 months, see how you do. Move on to eliminating pork. Ditto for chicken and seafood. I stopped eating beef/pork/chicken starting about 8 years ago. I cut out one meat per year. I still eat seafood because I L-O-V-E salmon/tuna/shrimp. There's nothing wrong with not eating meat, you just…
  • I'm a pescatarian, but I eat a lot of vegetarian meals, eating fish maybe 4-5 times a week. Do you eat eggs? Egg whites are great for protein. This morning I had 3 egg whites (one yolk slipped in there though) scrambled with spinach, green onions, tomatoes, and yellow onions. Try kale, either in home made chips or salad or…
  • Search for Whole Foods Garlicky Kale Salad--yum! Easy, high in protein, and super crunchy and satisfying. It also keeps for 1-2 days after you put the dressing on.
  • I'm 33, can I still help motivate? :) I want to lose about 30lbs.
  • I've made these with 1/2 whole egg and 1/2 egg white. Took 8 eggs for 6 muffin cups. AMAZING! I added diced jalepenos and bacos.
  • I think what you said hit it on the head--I've never gone for a physical, just shots and "I've got a common ailment that needs a scrip". I don't even know if my old doctor is still at the same office--I need to start fresh and get my records sent somewhere new, prob. I'm pretty sure a physical does take longer, but I'll…
  • I think I need to see my general practitioner as well as my gyno--I feel like my hormones are all out of whack. I want to make sure my cholesterol and blood sugar levels are healthy, too. I don't know what hypoglycemia feels like. I've had a couple of episodes of lightheaded feelings at the gym--I didn't eat a snack with…
  • I fell into the habit of eating a lot of processed food and restaurant food for my meals for a couple of years. I used to eat primarily whole grains, veggies, lean protein. Now, I'm back to those good habits and aim to eat 11-1200 a day. Sometimes I'm under because what I eat is so filling. Processed food means that the…
  • Jillian's face was PRICELESS: :O [slow clap]
  • BTW, I have two tattoos, both behind my ears. Neither hurt. Gonna get a side piece this summer.
  • Get the tattoo! If it's special to you, it's YOUR body. You have every right to adorn it as you see fit.
  • I made egg cups! While they baked, I had a fiber one bar and a cup of coffee with nonfat creamer. 8 eggs 3tbsp bacos 2tbsp diced pickled jalepenos Spray a muffin pan with cooking spray. I have one that holds 6 muffins, and this fit perfectly. If you add more ingredients (asparagus, mushrooms, tomatoes, tofu, etc) I'd use a…
  • Sweet potatoes take some getting used to, but are really versatile. I can't stand them when they are super sweet with nuts and marshmallows. I dice a few sweet potatoes into quarter-sized pieces, spritz with olive oil, and toss in cajun seasoning, cumin, chili powder, etc. SO GOOD. You really can't tell that they are sweet…
  • Whats your basal caloric intake? Mine is 2300/day. If I ate that, I'd stay the same weight. depending on what yours is, you may not want to go as low as 1200/day, or you'll slow your metabolism down. I tend to consume around 1500-1600/day, but I work to burn 400-500. That leaves me with a net for the day of around 950, or…
  • With 4.3 weeks in each month, you are looking at an average weight loss of 2.79lbs each week for 5 months to get to your goal of 60lbs. That's a tidbit over the safe recommendation, and you might get skewed results if you build muscle too. Aim for about 50, or a certain clothing size, it's more realistic, especially if you…