People tell me I look 14, maybe 15. I'll be 20 in a few days lol :)
False! TNP wishes Neil Patrick Harris was straight (and single! ;D)
Lol, this^^ And totes french.
Bang... if I was a dude lol
@Claudiaaa Amy Lee! It's the long, beautiful dark hair lol
@navydiver Perhaps :)
I love your story! It gives me hope :happy:
Wow, I didn't think I'd get all of these responses! Thanks, everyone! As for the types of exercises I've tried, it's been mostly strength training without weights (push ups, attempted pull ups, planks, etc.) and other exercises one might do for back pain (I have scoliosis). I do find them boring, and I can't do too many at…
@ Solar Your hair... I wish mine was naturally that dark!
Back to Black, Amy Winehouse ;)
Believe it or not, cauliflower mash does taste like mashed potatoes! Of course, it might just be my mind and taste buds playing games with me...
Buddies? :)
I actually use avocados in a sugar-free / wheat-free pie recipe of mine that's veryyy yummy. That's the only way I eat them :)
I know EXACTLY where you're coming from... for the longest time, I did the same thing. I'd feel insecure about my weight / how I look / etc., binge as a result of my emotions, then feel 100x worse afterwards. It's a vicious cycle. I think the hardest part of loosing weight is the initial decision to begin a lifestyle…