I'm a person who really, really does not enjoy the idea of exercise. I don't lead a totally sedentary lifestyle; I manage to spend a good part of my day up on my feet, doing things around the house and going on the occasional walk. While I don't mind all of that, I cannot, for the life of me, motivate myself to plan a…
Now, I hate exercising... especially cardio! But I'm trying to get into the habit (for the billionth time) of exercising regularly. From what I understand, the more muscle an individual has, the higher their metabolism. How does that work? What type of exercises would I need to do to see results, as far as fat loss goes?…
Hey! I'm very new to this (joined only yesterday [April 10th, 2013]), and I find my 1200 calorie limit to be, well, limiting. Before using this site, I had always thought I was consuming approximately 1200-1300 a day. Boy, was I wrong! If I could have my way (and still lose weight...), I'd probably consume 300 to 400 more…