Questions about muscle/exercising/metabolism.

Now, I hate exercising... especially cardio! But I'm trying to get into the habit (for the billionth time) of exercising regularly. From what I understand, the more muscle an individual has, the higher their metabolism. How does that work? What type of exercises would I need to do to see results, as far as fat loss goes? How long would it take to see those results? Are there exercises that I could do without weights or any other equipment, and preferably under 10 minutes?

A couple of things: I am petite; I am only 5' 0", if that makes any sort of difference. I also have scoliosis, so I would prefer exercises that won't strain my back too much.

Any help I can get will be much appreciated. :)


  • Shaylaurkoski
    Shaylaurkoski Posts: 16 Member
    I have been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It only requires hand weights and the workouts are about 25 min. I have a bad leg that was not properly set when I was younger and I broke it so there are some moves that are too hard for me that I modify by doing things that I know will not hurt me. I am sure that you could do the same with anything that may hurt your back. I'm not going to lie . . . . it is hard! I am way out of shape and don't really like working out either but I found that I am getting GREAT results. I have lost 7 lbs. in 13 days and MFP keeps telling me I am loosing too much! LOL I feel great. I am also short. I am about 5'1" and currently weigh 164. So hopefully that gives you some sort of idea. I also used to do Leslie Sansone DVD's ( I liked walk away the pounds the best) and they were a bit easier and got results as well. There was a one mine one that was only about 20 min. I hope that helps! It doesn't really matter what you do for exercise just so long as you commit to it and stick to it!