

  • Thank you! And it was great!!! They have a new rollercoaster called the gatekeeper and I highly recommend it! Haha! Smoothest thing I've ever been on!
  • Mcg**** lol.. and nothing different! Maybe more vegetables in my diet recently but that is the only difference... I know vegetables can make you bloated but really it hasnt been a significant difference in my diet. Sodium is normal... maybe its just my body or I need to go on a much lower amount..
  • Thank you for all the recommendations everyone!
  • Ive lost about 75 pounds.... and my skin is not perfect but its prettty close to being normal, but the thing is is I am young so I think my skin has more elasticity than someone older than me would.... so age would be a factor. But you could also try lotions specified for firming... I dont really know how much this would…
  • Ive lost about 75 pounds.... and my skin is not perfect but its prettty close to being normal, but the thing is is I am young so I think my skin has more elasticity than someone older than me would.... so age would be a factor. But you could also try lotions specified for firming... I dont really know how much this would…