msjohnston Member


  • I have had a rule for years to Never Ever eat from a sample table in a grocery store (OK I watch as we Americans crowd around those freebies and I know how we all got in the shape were in. Unless your really thinking about buying that product I would stay far far away! :-)
  • Your link took me to Photo Bucket, but the site requires a email address and password to enter, then there is the problem of finding your pictures. Sorry, have fun on your cruise.
  • Your link took me to Photo Bucket, but the site requires a email address and password to enter, then there is the problem of finding your pictures. Sorry, have fun on your cruise.
  • I like to start with a piece of sugar-free gum like Dentine. If that doesn't do it I always keep a can of low sodium chicken noodle/vegetable soup in the pantry. Even if I eat the whole can it is only 200 calories. After the soup I always feel warm and full almost like I have had comfort food but with none of the guilt!…
  • Hey Kammy92, I'm glad other people are posting about the calories - I wouldn't have a clue- :-) Can you tell me where you found this workout? Do you have a link or is it a DVD that you purchased? I went to Bob Harper's website and didn't see a DVD for the kettlebell. Thanks in advance for your help.
  • Hey, I recently posted a blog on a vegetarian/vegan Tofu Chili recipe. Here is the link: You won't miss the meat at all and your heart will thank you for the reduced cholesterol. I am not a vegetarian or a vegan, but I absolutely love this clean healthy recipe. I hope you will too.
  • Have you ever tried to make this with ground flax seed? My understanding is that you lose the nutritional value (Omega 3's) of the flax seed if you eat it whole. Otherwise it looks like something I would like.