Can't stop eating

anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
How do you avoid eating to much when you get into those days that all you want to do is eat.. I feel myself slipping horribly the last few days and don't know how to get out of it.


  • I make myself stop until I eat a lot of something really healthy like a big apple, a big handful of raw spinach, or a couple glasses of water. Usually, I will start craving healthier stuff, fill up on that and quit the snacking...I've been in the same boat the last few days :-)
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    I have been in the same boat the last few days too! I think its they snowy weather we have here!! Cant do much of anything, when you have lots and lots of snow! Just trying to control myself and say to myself STOP you are trying to get in shape :)
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Willpower is like a muscle, have to use it to strengthen it.

    That said, sometimes its very hard but if I can't stop eating I make sure I always keep tons of fresh fruit on hand. There's always a bowl of apples & bananas on the table and in the fridge usually its grapes & melon. A cup of grapes is only 60 calories couple that with an apple or banana, or even more if you need it (plus water) it will fill you up.

    If you are craving sugar - try crystal lite or gum.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    On days when I want to eat alot, I usually exercise more.....A good hard kicka$$ workout will take the urges away! and if it doesnt....well I just earned some extra calories to eat! :laugh:
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    The cold gets me: I tend to be hungrier than usual so I try to add some extra fiber (drink mix like Konsyl) to help balance & "trick' my brain into thinking it just got fed. Warm sunny weather I have no problems, but rainy, cold miserable days are really hard. On those days, I also try to workout a bit more or harder to balance a little. It's tough, but this is life - I want to be able to handle this & still keep in shape 5, 10, 20 years from now. May as well take the ups & downs together & work through it. :flowerforyou:
  • lot013
    lot013 Posts: 53
    I do a couple things...I'll drink a glass of water & maybe have a granola thin or something like that with it to kill that craving. I will also do something to distract myself, vacuum, take out the trash, read a book, anything... If it just doesn't go away, then eat something healthy not your normal snacks (mine was a box of Pringles, or anything chocolate!), handlful of nuts will sometimes stave the craving off too. (You can also get on these message boards and start reading about others challenges & that helps too.)

    Hope this helped a little..but know that you are not the only one who struggles with wanting to eat everything in sight some took a long time to learn that behavior so it will take some time to change it.

    Hang in there!
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    I just try to keep myself moving. I do housework, find a good movie on netflix or paint with the kids. The urge will pass if you're not thinking about it!
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    How do you avoid eating to much when you get into those days that all you want to do is eat.. I feel myself slipping horribly the last few days and don't know how to get out of it.
    I make sure that I only have in the house those things (like fruit and veg) such that when / if I feel I want to eat that is all I can have.

    I also always take a couple of glasses of water. I feel I can do my body less harm having several bits of fruit rather than cake, biscuits, etc that I used to have around and that were just too easy to access. I know some people will "tut tut" me for all the "fruit sugars" but it is way better than the fats/salts/refined sugars in other snack items.

    It is amazing how full you can feel when you have munched through a couple of apples, or a couple of oranges, or whatever fruit is available / cheap. I have found now that when I feel "snacky" my automatic reaction is to have fruit
  • msjohnston
    msjohnston Posts: 8 Member
    I like to start with a piece of sugar-free gum like Dentine. If that doesn't do it I always keep a can of low sodium chicken noodle/vegetable soup in the pantry. Even if I eat the whole can it is only 200 calories. After the soup I always feel warm and full almost like I have had comfort food but with none of the guilt! You can do it.
  • cbuggin22
    cbuggin22 Posts: 121 Member
    I had this problem today. I drank a big glass of water and then ate some of what I wanted. I really feel like drinking the water works to help curb the hunger. I have many days where I feel like I want to eat everything. But the water trick works. I also will allow myself to "over indulge" in something not so bad for me. Like mini cheddar rice cakes, or fruit. One step at a time. If you can't control the behavior yet at least you can reduce the amount of calories you will consume. That's just my opinion.
  • 305muscle
    305muscle Posts: 97 Member
    think how much farther you getting from your goal and ask yourself if its worth it.
  • JenUB
    JenUB Posts: 84
    I mix a 60-calorie jello chocolate pudding with light Cool Whip. It's so filling, and under 100 calories.
  • Drink water! Don't allow yourself to go off track! If you really want to get fit, dedicate yourself!
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Take time to pause and ask yourself why you wanna eat...

    Are you really hungry? Try some fruit or veggies
    Is it thirst? Drink some water
    Is it boredom? Do an activity (read, movie, walk, play a game, etc)
    Is it emotional? Try journaling or talking to a friend.
  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    Thanks everyone for the help and support..
  • I have these days. Sadly I usually give in if I have it in the house. I have started stopping at the store every few days so I don't keep a lot of food in the house. I will still crave it, but it is too cold to leave the house to get it. :)
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    Get rid of all the high calorie junk out of your house. Have fruits and vegetables handy. When you buy celery and carrots, cut them up and put in baggies that are handy. Raw zuchini, raw yellow summer squash, cucumbers are great with low fat dips. Cut them up, put them in sandwich baggies so they are ready to grab also. I have a bowl with a couple apples and oranges on my counter. When they are in the refriderator I tend to ignore them.

    Before I go to work in the morning I have several bags of fruits and veggies in my lunch box and enough for on the way home from work. It keeps me from stoping at the convience store for snacks.

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  • Its almost that time of the month here, so I wanna eat everything in site,I find 3 things helpful, 1, drinking water, 2 eating some fruit or veggies instead, and 3. giving into my craving, if I want a candy bar, I take ONE bite of one, I dont feel deprived and my diet isnt ruined either.... I also log that as well... ITs not about starving yourself or never rewarding yourself, its about self control and knowing when enough is enough!!!
  • Try to figure out if you want to eat because you are really hungry or eating because of your mood. If you are eating for any other reason than true hunger try to keep yourself busy and active so you don't have time to eat. Grab a couple of healthy snacks like some of the other posts suggested. I find that when all I want to do is eat it is mainly because I am board or lonely, don't know if you are the same, but that is my suggestion.
  • columbiasmiles
    columbiasmiles Posts: 54 Member
    Celery, lettuce and water all you want.
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