CaeliGirl11 Member


  • I unfortunately have to use a pass day today:( I have been so out of it today due to being sick I cannot even tell what i ate, when I ate it or how many steps I took:/ it's horrible. (Thank you 6 year old child!) Hope to be back to reality some tomorrow!
  • Exercised?: Yes, walked and completely reorganized the outdoor chest freezer. I'm counting that as exercise since that was a bugger of a chore and took me nearly 45 minutes to do! Calories?: Yep, but only because I've cut out creamer from my coffee this past week...I would definitely have been over if not;) Tracked?: Yep!
  • Exercise?: Yes! And got in an extra leg challenge thanks to my 6 year old's insistence;) Calories?: Super excited about being under because I had popcorn at the movies! Tracked?: yes
  • Exercised?: Yes, keeping up with my 3 challenges:) Calories?: Still under! Tracked?: Yep
  • Exercised? Yep! Started 3 new workout challenges;) easy levels but felt great! Calories? 40 under! Tracked? Yes, every last crumb;) This is going to be great heading into the holidays!;)
  • Hi There! My name is Sara. I am once again getting started on losing weight and getting my fitness back after having lost 80+lbs 4 years ago (and regaining 60 of it back when I went back to school and stopped focusing on food and fitness). SOOO ready for some accountability and results of all kinds:) Also hope to support…
  • That's awesome! Its just me and my husband and my cousin-in-law and her husband who are going (me and my cousin-in-law are the ones in the tri) so we opted for hotel. Perhaps if I could get more of my friends interested next year I can get a condo. Beach would be nice for the post-race crash though;) And Tri_Bob it truly…
  • Does your masters team have a lot of triathetes on it or is it mainly those who are just swimming for fun or those who are competing at an older age in swimming? If there are enough who do triathlons perhaps you could suggest an open water day in the pool. They could take out the lanes and have you all practice simulated…
  • Possibly starting school this year so I had to seriously scale it I added in my first 70.3. so.... Caine Halter Sprint Tri 5/30/15 Iron Girl Tri (Sprint but nearly a sprinternational) 8/16/15 Dam Swim for Drew 2mi swim/4.4mi run 9/12/15 Beach to Battleship 70.3 10/17/15 Lexington Half Marathon 11/14/15 I might…
  • And the HCG diet makes you cut your calories by so much that you are essentially starving yourself and that is how it works. HCG really has nothing to do with it but wasting your money. Log your food, eat at a deficit and you will see a weight change. That simple.
    in HCG Comment by CaeliGirl11 March 2015
  • I weigh every day but I only record the times I weigh less than the previously recorded have never logged a weight gain. And I don't think I've lost anything since before Christmas!! yikes! Sometimes I adjust the amount I've eaten of something by just a little as to not go into the red if I'm just a couple…
  • Welcome cguerra! Hope your training is going well:) Did my first real tri in 2013 and have been in heaven ever since;) I've worked my way through sprint, Oly and now training for a Half IM distance in October with some other distances sprinkled throughout this summer! It's such a fun sport and such a great group of people…
  • I swim with a HRM on and I get probably about a 400-500/hr calorie burn with drills and long sets in there. But seeing as you don't eat back your calories that's ok that it's not really accurately calculating the burn right. I was ramping up my training from sprint tri's to oly distance triathlons last summer and found…
  • I did one sprint this year (after 1 last year), a long sprint (almost international distance), an international distance and 3 half marathons this year...signed up for a sprint, the long sprint again and a 1/2 IM distance this coming October (Beach to Battleship in Wilmington, NC)...kind of freaking out about the 1/2 IM…
  • I just got a pair of goggles from Aquasphere called Lady Kayennes. They are more goggle-like. I got them mainly because the other goggles I had were pressing too much on my eye socket on my long swims making me get headheaches. These fit more around your eyes and give a lot of really good peripheral vision. They are about…
  • Hi Everyone! Well lets see:) My name is Sara. I currently live in Lexington, SC I did my first tri in 2009 with a friend of mine who convinced me about 2 1/2 weeks prior to join her and I made it through but thought I was going to die the entire time (who does that anyway???). A lot of life experiences happened in between…
  • First congrats on your accomplishment!! That's awesome no matter how many in your group! I race in Athena divisions for my tri's and sometimes there's a lot and sometimes there's only a few of us;) But I did my first two tri's on a hybrid and while the tires were not huge, the bike was heavy and the handles were straight…
  • Actually what I found is that I got a great gait analysis from my local running shoe store AND they didn't charge me more for the shoe than I could get online. So if you do go then most likely you will not be saving much if anything. The service they provide is worth the little that you would save. I would buy my first…
  • I probably noticed on myself around 10-15lbs..I mean really noticed. My husband and my mom, of course would say something but I think it was more just to be nice because they knew I was trying to loose weight at the beginning. But when I hit about 25lbs people at work started to say something. Now that I've hit 50lbs lost…
  • First of all, you are FABULOUS!! You've done such a wonderful job coming so far!! What I have learned through my years of weight-loss (and subsequent weight-gain) and also through reading through other's sucess stories is that the closer you get to your goal weight the 1.Slower it will be to lose those last few pounds and…
  • Hooters' hot wings with blue cheese dressing...and their curly fries...and if I could (which they don't serve there) a Woodchuck Amber cider from the tap. O-M-G...I'm drooling now on my keyboard...:tongue:
  • uh...yeah...Sherlock, Firefly, Sci Fi Books (especially my loves Orson Scott Card:heart: and Asimov) and Doctor Who! I also kind of liked Torchwood too...BBC is pretty fantastic... SPREADSHEEEEEETTTS!!!! I make them for everything! and so does my everything...think we have spreadsheet-off's sometimes...I have…
  • or if you have the ability to do Seagrams 7... then a diet sprite (or diet 7up) and that...or something similar is an american blended anything like that...they are super good and easy to drink with a twist of lime...sorry for the double post;)
  • Bacardi, lime and diet coke...yum!
  • I don't think you're actually eating enough calories overall. As long as I stick to around where MFP tells me to stick to...even if I don't eat back my exercise calories I will lose weight consitently. But it doesn't look like you hit 1200 calories on some days, which is the very minimum that you should be hitting no…
  • oh yeah...I just wore capris the other day...and its definitely still weather that allows it here. I think I wore capris into December last year:laugh: haha!!
  • I eat what I want as long as I stay within my calorie range...calorie in < calorie out = weight loss = happy me:)
  • I used to do that and I wouldn't lose weight (even thought I was in over 100lbs...overweight)...problem I had was I wasn't eating enough. Make sure if you are going to eat only once a day that you are getting enough calories and fat and protein...along with the other nutrients your body needs. If you don't…