monyea Member


  • 3 years ago I lost 40lbs using MFP. I have gained it all back, and then some. I'm 75 and limited on the exercise that I can do. I am very depressed.
  • Please add me. I am just starting (2 1/2 weeks) on a vegetarian diet. I am doing it for health reasons. I need some vegetarian friends
  • Thanks, I started at 170 on 1/27/12 and as of today I have lost 15 lbs. I restricted my food intake to try to average 1100 calories a day. I would like to loose another 5 lbs but have stayed where I am for too long. I am afraid that I will gain the weight back because I really don't know what to eat. I am 5'6" and I am 71…
  • Your story is exactly my story. I watch what I eat all week. but then on Saturday I over eat, almost 3,000 calories this weekend. I usually go out on Saturday and where food is concerned, I can't seem to resist, if it is placed in front of me. Any suggestions? seems like I
  • My grandson had very bad acid reflux. He started taking 2 tsp of Bragg's vinegar (health food store or some markets) He puts one tsp in a large glass of water and drinks it twice a day. His reflux is gone. I have also read comments on my fitness pal that people are also taking Bragg's before meals to loose weight. Kill 2…
  • how does this work? My name is Lorraine and I would like to weigh 155 by the end of March
  • I had gall lbladder via lazer about 5 years ago. I think that is the same as keyhole surgery. No big deal. In about 3 days you feel so good that you have to remember to take it easy for awhile. No side effects from the surgery.
  • I take liquid fish oil and I will try the ACV. Does the fish oil work as well as the coconut oil? I have lost 3 lbs in 2 days. I know I am not eating right but I needed a kick start. I ate Fiber one cereal with low fat milk, then about an hour later 1 bananna for breakfast. For lunch I had low fat strawberry yogurt with…