Anyone had gall bladder surgery? Please respond or bump for



  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I had mine out on 11th January by keyhole (laproscopically)....
    I only had had one attack (in November) before I had the surgery, but the scan showed I had over 50 stones.... infact I actually had 100+ little stones.

    My recovery has been fairly easy.... I didn't even take any pain medication after waking up from the surgery, and only one does of codeine tablets the morning after because of the way I sleep.

    I initially reduced the intensity of my workouts and have now built back up to how I was before, although I did go for a 2 hour walk 4 days after the surgery....!

    Oh, just to add.... I haven't changed my diet at all and I've had no issues.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    I had my key hole surgery one day after my wedding last year. I slept over my mothers the day after then returned to our honeymoon the next day . I was in pain but still was able to walk the small zoo the day after that I kept ice on and took my pain meds on time every time for the next 3 days. One year later I'm feeling fine . I never was restricted food wise like some people had said on the internet but I did not loose weight like I heard happen either. I hope this helps and Good luck.
    I forgot to add I did have 2 attacks after like 1 week after and one month after they said there could have been stones from a top part left behind but I have not had any since.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I had mine removed about 7 years ago and it was pretty easy. Lots of gas bloat for a few days then you feel like you did the ab work out of your life for a few weeks.

    This is what they dont tell you. You will either have trouble keeping weight on or off after. There is a common complication called Dump Syndrome. This happen after you eat a trigger food and within 30 min to an hour after you HAVE TO GO!!! Not soon, NOW!! You have to find what those trigger foods are. The most common are lettuce/salads and high fat foods.

    For me it is Mexican food. The spices mess me up so we usually order in when we have mexican.

    Is it worth it? Yeah. A few modifications to your diet and you will be fine. And if you aren't, it is only a trip to the bathroom.

    I got over my thing with public bathrooms pretty quick!
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i had mine removed last year in january, i had serious gall bladder attacks and pancreatitis, worst feeling in the world.

    SO if you suffer from any of that, u will feel SO much better!

    i have no issues from it being removed!
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I had mine removed laproscopically in 2002. I developed gallstones during my pregnancy and was hospitalized a couple of times. They ended up doing a C-section 4 weeks early, and removed gallstones that afternoon. I have never felt so much relief after it was gone - the C-section didn't even bother me, as I had been in SO much pain. No issues since...for a while, the Dr. suggested I take Metamucil, as I often felt like I had to run to bathroom after eating, but even that went away after a few weeks.

    You'll do fine, and feel so much better!
  • gaylelynnbell
    gaylelynnbell Posts: 248 Member
    I had mine out via keyhole in 2009. The procedure was done at 9am and I was home resting in my own bed by 1pm. While I was sore for a day or two, I was up and about that evening. I have 4 tiny scars that you have to be looking for to see them. After a few days, I felt 100 times better than before the surgery and I've never had any digestive problems. I had a longer recovery and more pain when I had my wisdom teeth out!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I had mine removed about 7 years ago and it was pretty easy. Lots of gas bloat for a few days then you feel like you did the ab work out of your life for a few weeks.

    This is what they dont tell you. You will either have trouble keeping weight on or off after. There is a common complication called Dump Syndrome. This happen after you eat a trigger food and within 30 min to an hour after you HAVE TO GO!!! Not soon, NOW!! You have to find what those trigger foods are. The most common are lettuce/salads and high fat foods.

    For me it is Mexican food. The spices mess me up so we usually order in when we have mexican.

    Is it worth it? Yeah. A few modifications to your diet and you will be fine. And if you aren't, it is only a trip to the bathroom.

    I got over my thing with public bathrooms pretty quick!
    I was the same way. Yuck!!! It has finally subsided after 10 years. I don't miss the days of praying I'd make it to a bathroom. I even had a fear of eating anywhere but home. The Dr. gave me some powder mix to use to help that prob. and it helped some. Even after all of that I still don't miss my gallbladder!
  • kd80538
    kd80538 Posts: 97 Member
    I had mine removed when I was 8 months pregnant, laprascopically almost 14 years ago. They kept me overnight to monitor baby and me but all went well. Was released the next day, and felt really good, all things considered. I seem to recall resting fro a couple of days, but feeling pretty close to normal within a week's time.
  • mstemen
    mstemen Posts: 111 Member
    I had mine taked out lapriscopically (sp) which is what I'm assuming you mean by keyhole (three small incisions) I was in surgery on a Thursday and back to work on Monday. The pain wasn't bad for me, it hurt to sit up or laugh for a few days, kind of like you just did a whole bunch of crunches, but I was up and walking about that same afternoon. I still have digestive issues, not as bad as when it was first removed, but when I eat greasy or fatty foods I still need a bathroom around within an hour. Otherwise I do not miss mine a bit :)
  • Sexyf28
    Sexyf28 Posts: 47 Member
    I had mine out in October. Laproscopically. I went home the day after. I was sore for a few days but doing great now. No side effects whatsoever!
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I had mine out about 10 years ago lapriscopically. I had issues afterwards because it turned out that they had left stones behind. Once that was taken care of, I was good to go. The only food I have an issue with is eggs. I get terrible stomach cramps if I eat them.
  • huracan_mery
    huracan_mery Posts: 47 Member
    I had it out in October 2008 I thought I could go back to work the next day since they said it was a "simple laparoscopic procedure" but that did not happen. Expect to spend at least a week recovering. I didn't even get out of bed the first two days afterward. Keep up with your pain medicine. I had the operation on a Monday and I went back to work the next Monday.
  • monyea
    monyea Posts: 10 Member
    I had gall lbladder via lazer about 5 years ago. I think that is the same as keyhole surgery. No big deal. In about 3 days you feel so good that you have to remember to take it easy for awhile. No side effects from the surgery.
  • clewis628
    clewis628 Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you for posting this thread. I was diagnosed with gallstones a week ago after I had a horrible attack that I thought was a heart attack. I had my surgical consult this past Wednesday and we are going to monitor it for now but the doc believes it will flare up again and need to come out eventually. He made the surgery sound like nothing major and from everyone's response it doesn't sound too bad! He would like to see me lose a little more weight before pulling it, unless I have another severe attack.

    Good luck on your surgery! I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you feel much better after!!!
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    if you're in the states, it's usually an outpatient procedure or at most an over night stay.

    i took care of LOADS of post op patients and then in 2009 had mine out. mine was emergent and was apparently so infected that instead of the small hole they normally use to remove it, laparoscopically, i ended up with an incision and stitches.

    mine was taken out at 7pm-ish. i spent the night and then the following afternoon i went home. my actual recovery was fine. i came home to 5 children, the youngest two being under one and just turned 2. so, i was carrying babies and going up and down stairs pretty much the same day i went home.

    my ONLY real issue, and it turned out to be a pretty big one, is that food ran right through me. it got to the point where i didn't see any point in eating anything because i was just going to end up in the bathroom in about 15-20 min. so, for pretty much all of 2010 i had this problem! it got better in 2011, and now in 2012 ( 2 yrs after surgery) i'm MUCH better! i still have days where i'm in the bathroom several times after i eat, but it's not nearly as bad.

    a friend of mine did tell me there are meds for this, but i am not a fan of meds so, i just lived with it. i had a TON of stomach issues for about 3 yrs before i had mine out. i don't have any of those same problems ( the bloating and constipation/ diarrhea cycle). so, that's nice!!

    all in all, it's not a bad surgery. i put mine off for as long as i possible could, 3 yrs to be exact!