Has anyone cured their acid reflux?



  • Fubar_Bill
    Fubar_Bill Posts: 120 Member
    Yep, I used to go through a bottle of Extra Strength Tums every couple of weeks. There wasn't a night I didn't have acid reflux.

    Within a week of starting here it was gone!

    No special diets, just watching what I eat and getting regular excersize.

    Hope this helps!
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Mine completely went away within 2 weeks of changing my diet......soooo nice not having to sleep propped up on pillows


    I have a hiatal hernia - which I didn't know until about a month ago - but a few years ago I had reflux like it was my job. I was on pills for it but it wasn't until last year when I completely changed my diet (cut out wheat-based and processed foods) that I noticed that I no longer needed the pills. Win!

    Obviously I can't guarantee that going to a Paleo diet will cure yours but diet changes are usually a huge factor in most things. Good luck!
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    i used to be on three medications I had to take multiple time a day, and would still have it. I am off of meds now for over a year, and RARELY have to take something OTC. Majorly due to weight loss and change in eating habits....
  • brat021502
    brat021502 Posts: 4 Member
    i had gotten it while i was pregnant with my youngest. had it for a few years after and then got really bad and stomach pain so bad i curled into a ball and couldn't move and was sooo hot not even my husband could touch me. i went and got checked out and my gall bladder was on the low side of working. so i got that removed and the pain and reflux had left the building:) so you could ask your doctor to do a test to check your gall bladder function.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    when i lost weight i stopped having acid reflux too!!

    used to have it daily for about 8 years!
  • claireyf12
    claireyf12 Posts: 106
    I have severe reflux that burns my throat and affects my breathing. Has anyone with similar symptoms managed to cure (or greatly reduce) their reflux and get off of the meds after losing weight?

    i had bad heartburn i was taking up to 10 antacid a day!! Since losing weight mine has all but gone, just when i eat dertain foods now e.g. bananas!! I hope you get it sorted :happy:
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    I had horrible acid reflux when I was at my heaviest -- but eating cleaner foods and exercising has helped tremendously!!
  • TurtleCrush
    For me it was simple. I have GERD and just eating healthier, exercising and not eating at least 4 hours before bed has really done the trick for me. Cutting way back on soda, junk, and sugar really helps (I have a sweet tooth:blushing:). Tried apple cider vinegar and made me really sick but I have heard people swear by it. You have to try them all and see which remedy might work best just for you. Best of luck!
    Big hugs,

  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Not everyone has acid reflux for the reasons I did.
    1. I overate.
    2. I ate most of my food later in the day, after dinner.
    3. I had too much food in my stomach when I went to bed.
    4. My stomach was so big that when I'd lie down it would push everything up my throat. Blech!
    5. I also took a bp med at night time that made it worse.
    6. I was in denial about my weight being the problem.
    Now all of it is gone unless I forget to take that bp pill with dinner.
    Again, not everyone has acid reflux for the same reasons, but I thought I'd post some of mine.

    Things that helped me when I had it:

    1. Eat dinner early and don't eat 2 hours before going to bed.
    2. Chewable Rolaids! Sadly, they had a recall on them and I could no longer buy them. Walgreens has a chewable kind that works just as well though. Try them! Usually one would work, if not the 2nd one always did!
    3. Keep working on your weight loss! You can do this!

    Add me if you'd like, I'll so my best to encourage you.
    You will get to a point where you will no longer have to worry about acid reflux.
    YOU can do it. Good luck!
  • beccci91
    beccci91 Posts: 214
    I had terrible acid reflux until I started to loss weight, now I haven't had it in nearly 2 months
  • lesliefence
    I was having acid reflux so bad that I had to take 1 prevacid in the morning and 1 before bedtime. Now I'm only having to take 1 a day, so hopefully after losing more weight, I won't have to take it anymore.
  • turkeytrotter
    turkeytrotter Posts: 35 Member
    I used to take over the counter meds to stop the burping and heart burn I had. The meds worked great and they may have helped to heal what was ailing me. Around the same time I changed my diet to more fresh veggies and less fried foods and processed foods and portion control, I noticed that I didn't need the meds anymore. I don't know if it was the diet change or the lost weight (160-135), but problem that I had for years went away and I haven't had it for over 2 years now. Also, I used to snore and my husband said sometimes it sounded like I stopped breathing or made funny sounds that worried him. That went away too. At 57 I'm feeling better than I did when I was 40.
  • photojunk
    photojunk Posts: 135 Member
    I found my acid reflux was caused by dairy and spicy food. Since been vegan for 2 years i have had one acid reflux attack which happened after i had eaten a spicier than usual curry.
  • katema62
    katema62 Posts: 15
    I find that dairy, coffee, chocolate and any highly acidic food will cause reflux especially if you lay down within 3 hours of eating them.

    Taking a tablespoon of Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in water...works almost Immediately. The prescription drugs mask the issue actually causing your stomach to become alkaline which is exactly what you do not need overall. You need the acid to digest the food. Eating alkaline food will usually stop reflux overall. Taking enzymes can help amazingly well too...especially if your body due to ulcers cannot digest certain foods without pain.

    Don't try and drink the vinegar straight it is much too acidic---you must dilute. You can go online and find Mother's raw vinegar pretty much anywhere. Also looking up a alkiline, acid, neutral food chart can really make you aware of what foods such as fake sweeteners are at a poisonous level of acid along with prescription drugs. They can make it worse in the long run.

    Hope it helps,
  • smcassaro
    smcassaro Posts: 123 Member
    Try orange peel extract. (If you google "d-limonene for gerd" you can get a lot of info on it. I tried it & it helps a lot! :)
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I had an issue with excess stomach acid production and had to take omeprazole which worked for awhile. Eventually it went down to a tolerable level that was necessary to be medicated with prescriptions (just Tums...)

    But now that I've started eating healthier and losing weight I almost never get it. In fact what used to be acid reflux nightly is now once a month at most.
  • monyea
    monyea Posts: 10 Member
    My grandson had very bad acid reflux. He started taking 2 tsp of Bragg's vinegar (health food store or some markets) He puts one tsp in a large glass of water and drinks it twice a day. His reflux is gone. I have also read comments on my fitness pal that people are also taking Bragg's before meals to loose weight. Kill 2 birds with one stone. Hope this helps
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Losing weight, eating better and sleeping better (mine always struck at night) has seemed to cured mine.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member

    Eating less at meals.

    Eating no deep fried foods.

    Losing a 135 lbs.

    I am cured of acid reflux. I had it severely I had a hacking little cough from all the burning in my throat. Slept sitting up right. It was miserable!
  • gillybumbler
    I cured mine by eating healthy and not drinking sodas. For occasional heartburn I use Bragg's unfiltered apple cider vinegar and it works every time!