Has anyone cured their acid reflux?



  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    You may have a hiatal hernia. Your stomach pushes up through your diaphragm into your chest cavity. I had mine repaired an I haven't had heartburn or reflux since.

    I do, actually. I would love to have it repaired. It's definitely something I'm going to consider if losing weight doesn't cure the reflux.

    I had a barium swallow done and I had the same but I didn't need surgery. I just took meds 2x a day for like 2 months and allowed time for my esophageal sphincter to heal and all was good. I also lost about 10 pounds or so which helped a lot. Also FYI not all reflux medications work for everyone. My sister and I used two different ones. You just have to try till you find the one. If you use over the counter meds the dosage isn't usually enough so you do need an MD to give you a stronger RX prescribed especially for you. Good luck...reflux sucks!
  • shady1987dre
    shady1987dre Posts: 186 Member
    I have severe reflux that burns my throat and affects my breathing. Has anyone with similar symptoms managed to cure (or greatly reduce) their reflux and get off of the meds after losing weight?

    I always had heart burn but since ive started, ive have not had it once, im eating better its gone! So yes i guess!
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I had mine under control mostly my avoiding my trigger foods, I'd have a flare about once every couple of weeks but since losing some weight it's been gone completely no flare ups for months.
  • judypriv
    judypriv Posts: 206 Member
    Ever since Ive lost weight I no longer have had acid reflux!!! I mean when I was 320 EVERYTHING would trigger it. Pizza, Peppers, Cucumbers and other things. It was getting ridiculious! But since Ive continued losing weight I no longer have that problem! It feels so good! I use to get it so bad it would make me throw up. :( I hated it with a passion!!! I wish you the same luck!

    Me too and I haven't lost much weight but in the last 2 months I haven't had one case of reflux nor used any antacids, etc. If I do indulge I also get no symptoms. Much better. All from change of diet I think. I do know that my constant constipation has also been better and during exercise I sometimes burp (descretely) so I think the exercise is helping my digestion.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    My acid reflux became really bad as I gained weight. I was having to throw up and had to have my esophagus stretched out. I took Nexium for several years. As soon as I started eating less, exercising, and losing weight, I was able to stop taking the Nexium. I read that it causes loss of bone density with prolonged use, and I didn't want that. Occasionally, if I eat something greasy, I'll take a couple of Tums. At night, mostly out of habit, I take a couple of Tums before I go to bed to make sure I don't get heartburn during the night. That hasn't happened in a very long time, but I figure a little extra calcium won't hurt me.

    I hope losing weight works for you, too. Acid reflux is a horrible feeling. I remember not being able to finish meals and having to excuse myself to throw up food that wouldn't go down. I also remember sitting up at night with painful heartburn. I don't miss it.

    Best wishes for your success!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    My husband used to have reflux all the time. Had to sleep propped up, downed antacids all the time. I can't remember the last time he took antacids now.
  • flamingo63
    Hi like you I suffer from a hiatus hernia and acid reflux. An endoscopy revealed these conditions. Once I pinpointed the foods that aggrevated these conditions and cut them out or drastically reduced them my condition improved. I am ,however, on a gastro resistant capsule taken daily. It is a prescription drug called Lansoprazole, I am on it forever. I have to say it is my best friend and I do not suffer with reflux at all, an exception being white wine late at night, which is acidic, and I only drink the best believe me. It makes the perfect excuse for me to stick to full bodied reds . As I am not a heavy or habitual drinker these episodes are few and far between, At this stage surgery is not thought necessary!
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    I have a Hiatus Hernia and I get this Acid Reflux and I'm on meds for it (omeaprozole). You should see a doctor.

    They said it would go when I lose weight.

    oops read further down that you have this too. I have tried not eating certain foods, but I still get the Acid reflux.
  • raechellg
    raechellg Posts: 30 Member
    I had to have surgery to fix my acid reflux and my stomach i believe doc said was up in my almost halfway in esophagus and had to be pulled back down and put back in place. I was pretty much a mess and i never ate spicy food but everything gave me heartburn. It got really bad with my first pregnancy and then just never went away until the surgery. Now several years later i still feel good. Meds did help but it was never gonna be the answer to my particular situation. I tease my daughter now 15 that since she was always stretched out during my pregnancy she broke me LOL She was 20.5 inches born and i have the lil short torso. She of course knows i'm just kidding with her. But best of luck and hope that just loosing the weight does help your situation.
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    I had terrible reflux- I now have NONE. I was at the point where I could barely sleep. I don't have any now!
  • donnaforbes1
    I used to have horrible h eartburn and acid reflux. Between my husband and myself, we would go through a large bottle of Extra Strength Tums a week!! A friend, and gastroenterologist, told me to completely eliminate animal products from my diet for three months, and then gradually begin adding them back until I found what ever it was that was upsetting my digestive tract. Surprise!! Cheese.. worst offender.. and milk. So, now, I stay clear of these things, and have not had once ounce of trouble in 4 years!
  • Cholbrook008
    Cholbrook008 Posts: 18 Member
    I too was taking Dexilant twice a day, I started consuming 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and have not had to take the medication anymore. I don't know if it is a combination of changing my diet or the Vinegar, but I am going to keep it up, because Acid reflux bites!!
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 119 Member
    Hello! I was surprised to read this thread because I have horrible GERD and a hiatal hernia. Right before starting my lifestyle change I went to the ER because the pain was so severe and lasted for days. I thought I had a heart condition. After a whole slew of tests including an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy I was diagnosed with the hiatal hernia. I was taking antacids for years so that caused me to have polyps that are harmless which they removed. I said to myself, I'm too young to feel this crappy! I started eating better and exercising and I no longer take any meds. Just the occassional tums when I drink coffee or have tomato sauce/orange juice. I think excess weight has a lot to do with GERD and reflux. Don't eat right before bed and avoid trigger food and beverages. It's been 3 months since I've taken any meds for it. Good luck!! Hope this info helps a lil :flowerforyou:
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I no longer have acid reflux, I've dropped one blood pressure medication and I am no longer considered pre-diabetic! And that was only after a 12lb weight loss with 36 to go!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Believe it or not. I had to take 2 prilosec everyday and still had reflux. I could not lay down flat to sleep.
    When I started my journey I gave up everything made with white flour. Within days my Gerd stopped. I swear, I was shocked.
    I could not even drink water without getting indigestion and heartburn. I don't take anything now.
  • ndlakebum
    ndlakebum Posts: 20
    I don't have acid reflux but my Mom has had lots of problems with it. She found the following book very helpful: Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure by Dr. Jamie Koufman.
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    Are you into old home remedies? My husband's grandmother would take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a 16 oz. glass of warm water at bedtime. She said it helped with heartburn, achey joints, and was a good fat burner.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    I have! I used to take prescription acid reflux medication daily. I have been off of it since losing weight. Now I only get an occasional flair up-mostly from overeating or eating spicy or salty foods.

    That's what I wanna hear!

    Me too ((used to take prescription acid reflux medication daily. I have been off of it since losing weight. Now I only get an occasional flair up-mostly from overeating or eating spicy or salty foods.)))

    Using this site it is easy to track the food triggers, so now I avoid those foods, or have them rarely.
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    I was diagnosed with hiatal hernia, acid reflux disease, and was told to take Nexium/Prilosec. They did very little for me.

    I then read people curing their acid reflux with this simple mixture, so I tried it. In 3 days I had little to no acid reflux and within 2 weeks, GONE.

    1 Heaping teaspoon of bee pollen granules. (Let them soak in 8 to 10oz of Purified or Alkaline Water for 15minutes
    1/4 teaspoon pure cinnamon (I use Saigon)
    1 tablespoon Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother

    Mix them together after the bee pollen granules have soaked, and drink it down. Don't sip, gulp. Does it taste good? Not really, but it doesn't taste gross either.

    Make sure you don't have an allergy to bee pollen FIRST!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    My son has acid reflux and it needs to be treated 2 x a day....150mg of zantac in the AM and PM on an empty stomach