

  • C25K - couch to 5k I couldn't run the length of myself but after4 weeks, i am now jogging for 5 minute intervals
  • I did it for a pound a week (slow and steady wins the race) and have found it quite manageble (29 pounds since January) i find it was more about cutting down on portion size and eating healthier rather than dieting and starving myself. I'm sure other people do it other ways but I am finding it works for me. and once you…
  • Well how about this double shot of Smirnoff Vodka - 112cal and 1x250ml can of Tesco Sugar free Kx - 5cal. total 117cal and just taste like double vodka Red Bull
  • I think as long as you weigh yourself on the same day / same time every week then you should be ok. I would keep away from weighing yourself after excersise though as it can give false readings as you have usually lost water through dehydrating you body I weigh myself every tuesday morning at 7.30am
  • I bought myself a Polar heart rate monitor to get a more accurate reading as I found the different machines I used gave different reading and it save have to add them up at the end of the session