

  • Thanks for all the replied, afew jokes there but I was expecting those iv heard them all before, my mates think its hilarious when i say i have a coke problem lol. On the serious side though, afew of you said sparkling water thats something iv never tried before, im guessing its pretty good on the calorie side? *kitten* iv…
  • ok thanks for the replies, i get it now, basically follow the ''safe choice'' as it will only mean il work harder in the long run i guess, thanks for the quick replies :0)
  • hi, i agree with ereckless, this is very true. i use the vibraxis machine (vibration plate) which really helps my legs, some people think you just stand on it and loose weight (this is really not true) i do squats on it, but i mainly use it for preparation for my actual workout as i have muscle problems through illness so…
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