Quick question, please help im confused

Hi everyone, i have begun keeping a diet and exercise journal, but iv discovered a problem,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I walked for 20minutes today at 6mph

however, according to the treadmill that burnt 151calories, and according to myfitnesspal that should have burnt 181calories

so which one do i believe? im thinking on here it goes by my weight so may be more accurate but im not sure, can anyone help as this is quite a difference, and it could be the difference between a yummy dinner or boring soup tonight ! lol :)


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    It's hard to know as neither MFP or the machine will know your fitness level. You may want to consider investing in a heart rate monitor to get a more accurate reading but even so, unless you buy a top of the range model the numbers can still be out by around 20%.

    In this instance I'd probably go with the lower figure to be on the safe side. The difference is only 30 calories so I'm not sure how there coulld be so much difference between the "boring soup" and a "yummy dinner" on just 30 calories. And if you really need those extra cals then go for a walk for 30 mins to earn another 100 cals or so.
  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182
    If i'm honest I would trust neither but if i had to choose I think i'd go with the gym machine..sorry ....but there isn't too big a jump in difference. Mind you different people find mfp figures aren't far off from when they use a hrm but some of the exercises can be over-estimated. I never have major burns at the gym, nothing over 200 cals so i tend to eat half of my exercise cals back and i guess that compensates for some of my guestimations when i haven't weighed items of food during the week.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    I'm sorry I don'tknow the answer

    I just had a look at the two amounts the diff is 30 cals, I personally would worry too much

    if you don't have enough cals for a yummy dinner i'd earn some more. thats what I do if I want something

    sorry I cant help more

    anyone can add me
  • liya368
    liya368 Posts: 122 Member
    I agree with the other 2 posters. With exercise I opt for the lower calorie usage. With food I go with the higher calorie option just to be safe.
  • madz0333
    madz0333 Posts: 5
    ok thanks for the replies, i get it now, basically follow the ''safe choice'' as it will only mean il work harder in the long run i guess, thanks for the quick replies :0)