lucylubyloo Member


  • feel free to add me :D the more friends the merrier!
  • i didnt want to get them so i didnt have to diet/exercise. i just thought if theres something to 'aid' you in the process - why not! but i take it from all your comments this is bad so i wont be investing! thanks everyone
  • you can buy a tub of capsules that you take 3 times daily that is suppose to speed up weight loss with a good diet and exercise. thought i would ask if any1 has tried this before i buy thats all.
  • im not sure what broil means lol ill google :) thanks mslack01 i will have a look and see what i can find
  • mmmmm sounds so yummy AND simple! think i would go for the rice! im guessing broiled means grilled?? lol thank you so much :)
  • hi 1 raw sweet potato (100g) is 86 calories so times that by how many you have. 4 sprays of fry light is 4 calories (1 cal per spray) hope this helps :)
  • i think thats it -DO NOT LET IT GET YOU DOWN! im hoping sometime soon it will just fall off lol - hardly likely! hi Brett, that is awsome weight loss - well done!! i couldn't do the shake thing though no no no no no so good going you! Lovelyhal - i deffo need to take measurements thats 1 thing i haven't done! i will do…
  • i just accepted!! yayyyy i have friends lol! i love this app it really is great! good luck to everyone! just keep thinking about the end result (thats what i keep teling myself) :D
  • wow that was quick guys :) thanks for your replies! my weigh in is on Wednesday so fingers crossed! i was abit gutted last week cus it said i had put on 0.4lb even though i was exercising (which i haven't done before) but apparently muscle weighs more than fat so just gotta keep going i suppose :)