

  • Its pretty hard to find a breakfast under 100 calories. Heck, I had one cup of almond milk and a banana for breakfast and it was 130 calories! But, if you really want something under 100, have an apple. Its 70 calories for a medium apple. :ohwell:
  • How tall are you? I'm 5'6 and weigh 148 pounds. I eat about 1200 calories everyday, which to be honest, makes me guilty, so I end up hopping on the treadmill. I weigh myself frequently, and usually end up seeing results. Make sure to cut your regular amount of calories by 500, don't work out too hard, and don't eat after…
  • My goal is to look good in all the clothes I have. My goal is to be able to wear a bikini. My goal is to keep getting all the compliments from my friends and family telling me how skinny i've gotten. My goal is to lose 13-25 pounds. I've lost 4 since i've been on here, and 12 since i've started.
  • I'm totally in! My goal is 13 pounds, but 20 wouldn't hurt either :D