

  • There are lots of good ones on here already :) Super Bad ahhh ha ha ha that's a good one. I don't usually do that type of comedy but a good one laced with sarcasm and great lines - Ten Things I Hate About You. Totally funny!
  • Trying again
  • Just checking to see if my signature works
  • I went to one of my favorite restaurants last night and there menu is not exactly calorie friendly! ha ha ha ha... I was so under calorie count from the whole day and when I left that place (head held very high for not ordering a big fat Italian dinner but, a small portion greek salad!) I actually had almost 300 calories…
  • Glad to mee both you ladies :) I'm Angela and looking to loose 30-45. I don't have a real target number other than over 30. Over the last 5 years there has been such a focus on weight and fitness that I think I've seen every type of diet out there! On a recent trip to Barnes and Noble; I decided who knows my body better…
  • What does your favorite daily menu look like? A perfect day of yummy food and your go to items?
  • Thank you everyone for all the yummy foods listed! I have been doing greek yogurt every morning for breakfast. I usually do greek yogurt, oatmeal, and a medium banana. I appreciate all the input.
  • Hello all!!! I am in the same boat around 30-40 by August. I am turning 32 in Sept. but, would still like to be motiviated with you all turning 30! I think there is another thread and group for 30-35lbs of weight loss but, it looks like it might be older. I'd certainly be interested in being around with you guys! I weigh…
  • I would like to join the group :) My current weight is about 190 ... I weigh today actually to see how the first week went. I want to loose about 40lbs and am hoping to reach goal by June - August. I am not doing anything fad diet wise. Just watching what I eat. Reading success stories to stay on track and learning to love…
  • My live in boyfriend isn't exactly a healthy eater either. I have started cooking most of the evening meals and I add a little something for both of us. Usually for flavor I make something with gravy or sauce and I leave the sauce off my plate! When we go out I have learned that if he orders something amazingly delish I…
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