Bring on 30 !! New members looking to lose in thier 30's

KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Over in the welcome board we've noticed a bunch of us hitting that 30 milestone soon or recently. Let's support eachother. Here's a place for newbies to make some friends, lose weight and celebrate birthdays healthier.

Introduce yourself


  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Hi I'm Kim (29) looking to lose about 18 pounds before my 30th. Honestly I have more on my mind though but 18 is a good start. I'm semi tall 5'7'' and right now 168. Yuck. 5 years ago I was 150. I've always been fit, not super skinny but slim. 2 kids later and a desk job I've put on about 10 pounds per kid. Never thought I would get this far but I did. I'm sick of friends saying I look good. The bonus about being taller is I do wear the extra pounds fine. I really do not have rolls and such but I'm just thicker, if that makes since. I'm up 2 sizes in clothes and want to get down. I've been in many weddings and always have the goal but that never helped. Now it finally kicked in I have to do it. I always said I can just work out and lose but thats not the case anymore, I must diet too. So far since Jan 3 I've lost 5.5 pounds and I'm thrilled.

    My other goal is not only my bday but I signed up for my first 1/2 marathon come Oct. My sister who is 8 years older just finished her first full marathon and and I want to get there. She was large but lost wieght after stomach surgery. Now, she is starting to gain some back. We have obesity in the family but thankfully I'm a different build, or so I though

    Hope you guys can help with support

    Right now I'm watching what I eat, not so much counting calories but if I had to guess I'm around 1300 daily, and working out 4-5 times a week for 60 minutes
  • am_last10lbs
    am_last10lbs Posts: 41 Member
    Hello, my name is Amie, and I am also turning 30 this year in February.

    I am 5'9 and currently weigh 155lbs, and my goal is to lose 20lbs and get down to 135 lbs by July.

    I am a single-mom to a wonderful 3-year old and stay at home with him running a home daycare and also provide travel agent services for Disney Destinations.

    I live in Southern Ontario Canada, and this winter has been quite hard on us, with lots of snow and cold weather which has left me completely unmotivated to lose the weight. Fortunately, I will be heading to Vegas for my 30th birthday, so have found a burst of energy to get this weight off.

    I will be leaving on February 18th, and my goal by that point is to have lost 5lbs and be down to 150.

    I think that the weight loss would be great for me, to boost my confidence and to get back out into the dating world.

    Look forward to hearing from all the kids of '81, and help motivate and support one another to reach our goals.
  • Glad to mee both you ladies :)

    I'm Angela and looking to loose 30-45. I don't have a real target number other than over 30. Over the last 5 years there has been such a focus on weight and fitness that I think I've seen every type of diet out there! On a recent trip to Barnes and Noble; I decided who knows my body better than me? I did NurtiSystem about 2 years ago and it was amazing. I lost 30lbs plus some. It was easy to maintain with my hectic work schedule and on the go lifestyle. However, a surgery and job lay off later - I gained it all back. Well almost all! Not quite! I decided this time no pre-packaged food, no fad diet, no books to read - Just me. I have three great trips planned over this year (Vegas, Cabo, and a weekend getaway). Each trip will act as a milestone for me or checkpoint. It's good to have weekly goals but some weeks are plateau weeks and I have larger goals in sight. I have set those three dates on my cell phone as different count downs. I have just decided to eat healthier and get back into the gym. I sit at a desk all day or a conference table depending on how many meetings I have. I am in the computer industry (isn't almost everyone now days?) on more of the project managment/analyst side of things. I am tall as well so luckily I agree the weight doesn't look too bad. Just not happy with my own body.

    With my 3 countdowns my other half is being supportive by dishing out the $$ for new clothes at each milestone and the $$ go up with each goal obtained.

    I still cook for him as well but, I just add less to my plate and make healthier swaps for myself. If he has something starchy... I have something green. When he snacks on candy or chips during a movie, I enjoy a Slim Fast Peanut Butter Crunch bar (Amazingly tastes like butterfinger and is 100 calories.)

    I'm not doing any one particular diet... however, I have read a little of "Skinny *****" - I will never be vegan but, the concept is the same. It's a hard dose of reality with a twist of humor.

    I hope everyone here is able to maintain their goals and get to where they want to be. It's not really a pound for me it's a body image and a lifestyle change :)

    Last weeks weight 190 -
    This week - don't know yet but today I am suppose to weigh in!
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Hi Ladies. It's this website great. I'll have to admit I'm getting addicted. I work as well, out of the home but I'm on the computer all day and thankfully able to check online.

    Amie - Disney Destinations, sounds fun. We're actually heading that way in April. Can't wait. Thats another reason I want to lose weight and look better in shorts before April. Your little man is adorable. I have a 4 year old boy and a 18 month old daughter. We went to college in Niagara Fall NY, so not too far from Ontario.

    Angela - Welcome, your destination milestone trips sounds amazing. My busiest problem is always have the fund so I have to make it work elsewhere. I really wanted to do WW but I think I can do it on my own and so far its working.

    Hope some more ladies join us...
  • Ooooh I want to join you ladies!!! I'll be 30 in December, so I guess I'm the youngster here for now LOL. I have a son turning one in March and am hoping to start trying for a sister or brother for him later this year or early next year! So my goal is to lose about 45 lbs before I start hauling out my maternity clothes for another go. I've just started buckling down on myself so I'm only down 2 pounds so far, but MFP is so motivating!!
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I'm adding myself to the group. My name is Victoria and I'll be 30 in December. I've been married for almost 9 years and I have two beautiful kids (5 and 2 1/2). I had a few years before having kids where I weighed about 120, then married life set in and I averaged about 134 lbs until I had my 2nd child. With my 2nd child I gained 50+ lbs and never lost all of the baby weight. I got back down to 147 but my saggy skin was discouraging so I added a couple pounds. At 156 (the same weight I was when I delivered my first child) I realized that I was too fat for my frame. My wedding ring was way too tight (got it at 120 lbs) and I could barely wear it for more than the workday (some days not at all). As of today it finally started to fit again. (It is still snug, but I was able to get it off after work without having to pry it off my finger) :laugh:

    It is really important to me to be in the best shape I can be by the age of 30. I want to be the "New Me At 30" hence my screen name (hahaha...not New Meat 30). In a perfect world, I would lose 20-30 lbs by summer and keep it off until my birthday in December. My goal would be to get a tummy tuck for my birthday (during my winter break from work). I know that surgery isn't for everyone, and I'm not looking at it as an easy way out. Unfortunately it is the only way I can get rid of the excess saggy skin I have as a result of a HUGE pregnancy (I'm only 5'2 and got up to 183+ lbs --- ALL in my belly), and two C-sections. The skin is what stopped me from losing more weight after having my son. Let's just say that (to me) it looks so bad that I haven't let my husband see me without a shirt on since before our son was born in 2008. :embarassed: (I know, TMI...but I'm nothing if not honest).

    Best of luck to all of your in your journeys.

    Here's to being the best looking 30 year olds on the block. :drinker:
  • am_last10lbs
    am_last10lbs Posts: 41 Member
    Angela, I also did Nutrisystem about 2 years ago, and had great success with it as well, but my weight has slowly crept back up. I don't want to go back on Nutrisystem as it was expensive and it really didn't teach me how to cook healthy choices for myself. I am using the basics of what I did learn now, so hopefully it will help.

    Kim, this site is addicting, but I suppose it has to be so that you can stay accountable for what you eat and exercise. I do have to say I am completely out of shape, and really need to find something to keep me entertained at the gym, today I was struggling!
  • I went to one of my favorite restaurants last night and there menu is not exactly calorie friendly! ha ha ha ha... I was so under calorie count from the whole day and when I left that place (head held very high for not ordering a big fat Italian dinner but, a small portion greek salad!) I actually had almost 300 calories left to kill for the day. I managed to knock out another 150 or so but, left it at that. The biggest thing was the dinner experience. I love love love good food!!! Pastas and Pizza are one of my favorites!!! I was really glad to get over that small hump.

    Kim: Good Morning and I am so thankful you started this thread.

    Amy: I loved the results I got with nutrisystem but, it wasn't a long term fix. I am with you though I did take some of the stuff I learned. I am eating 3 meals a day plus 2 snacks and even if the calorie count is in balance still trying to balance out dairy, fruit, veggies, etc. I am hopeful I learned enough :)

    Victoria: Welcome!!! Your story was a great read!
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Great to see some additional moms joining us

    Potter Princess - Welcome, congrats on becoming a mom. I think its great you want to lose some before TTC. Shows you have the drive to do. We are really not sure if we're done or not but I told my hubby that I need to prove I can lose it now before thats even a though. I am feeling really comfortable with 2 now. What's your name? Maybe I missed it :)

    Victoria - Welcome, Other online friends just had tummy tucks too and they look amazing. The one just had twins, lost about 40 and had tons of extra skin. I never really thought I believed in them but now knowing people that have had them and seeing the before and after I totally understand. Good for you and good luck

    Amie- I never make it to the gym, I am sick of wasting money on it so we cancelled a long time ago. We have an ellipitcal at home so right now I'm just using that and the Wii Fit. Once the snow is gone I'll head out for runs and get ready for this long race.

    Angela - We went out to eat last night too. It was my sisters bday. Not my perfect place but I still had a good time. I really didn't keep track of my calories yesterday though. I snacked a little on the bloomen onion (I know not healthy at all) had a side salad, baked potatoe, and only managed to eat 3 oz of my steak. I just couldn't eat it. It's like I've already trained my body not to need as much.

    So my Tuesday off wasn't too bad. I actually didn't snack at all, just nibbled on veggies and like I told Angela we did go out so I probably went off there. AF is here as well and I've slacked the past 2 days working out. I'll get back on tonight. It's not like I don't want to work out with AF its honestly I have so much to do in so little time and my 18 month old is sick. Drains my energy but I will get on tonight.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey, I'm Ashley and I turned 30 the end of September. I've never been extremely overweight but always been trying to lose 5ish pounds. That 5 has turned to 10 and I don't want it to turn to 20 when I'm in my 40's. I've been pretty healthy the majority of my life - healthy eating, working out regularly, but I am also one that doesn't have a problem going out to dinner Friday and Saturday and eating rich foods and drinking lots of wine. I want to find a balance where I can still enjoy life but hold myself accoutable most of the time.

    I'm running 3 races coming up soon - 5k, 10k and 10 miler. I did these races in 2007, 2008, and 5k and 10k last year. I went through some life changes and am finally in a stable place where I want to stay on track with my training and working out and I'm determined to keep my eating and drinking more at bay. I may even do a mini marathon in April is training goes well over hte next couple months.

    My husband and I are also looking to have a baby soon and I have seen my sister slowly lose her baby weight over about 2 years. She looks great and is on here too and very motivated, but I have seen her struggle so want to get to a good place before I get pregnant. Losing weight has never been easy for me.

    The 30's is the new 20's..... Good luck to all!
  • achart
    achart Posts: 11
    I turned 30 last August and need to lose quite a bit to be in a healthy range. I know it will take time, but I'm committed to doing it. What other choice do I have?

    Looking forward to charting my progress along with the rest of you!
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome girls

    Ashley - I used to be a runner, not really for races but just loved it. Now, not so much. I enjoy once I start but it was always the starting. I run 5K's often. Normally never train, I know thats bad. I always sign up saying I will train and continue but don't. I'm finally on track now. Just signed up for my first half marathon in Oct. I'll run the mountain goat 10 mile in the summer too to prepare. I'm a bit terrified, its huge hill for the 10 mile but I watched people finish it last year double or triple my size. Right now I'm just using the elliptical but I'll move to outside running come March.

    Achart - Welcome, make sure to fill us in more about you. It's easier to remember names that screennames. Glad you came on over

    Sorry you will all notive I'm a big online talker. I work at an office job 4 days a week and constantly online. I'm a huge producer but I always find time to be online too. Nice perks. I'll be MIA weekends though. We're the crazy family with no home computer right now. We're both online so much with work or our phones we do not have one right now but our 4 year old is eager to learn so its time to start looking to get a new lap top. I love these dicussion board.
  • achart
    achart Posts: 11
    My name is Annie. I also work at a desk all day, so being sedentary is unfortuantely a way of life for me from 8 to 5. I'm not married and I don't have any children. My motivation is my health. Diabetes runs in my family along with heart disease and high cholesterol. Fortunately, all my diabetes tests come back within the normal range. However, my cholesterol levels are high. Besides wanting to get into a healthy weight range, I'd really like to fit into smaller clothes! Ah vanity.
  • My name is Robin and I am 31 years old. I lost 40 lbs without MyFitnessPal but decided to join to keep better track of my caloric intake. Diabetes, Heart Disease and other Heart troubles runs ramptant in my family. My father died at 51 from a heart attack and several of my aunts and uncles have had heart attacks in their early 50s. I want to be a healthy role model for my children and beat the health problems that are plaguing my family. Of course, the smaller clothes and compliments from my hubby are excellent motivators as well!:wink:
  • This is perfect!!

    I am hoping to be 20 pounds lighter by my 31st Birthday (May)! :) MFP has been a great way to get started! I have learned so much from everyone on here, which is making my goal seem possible now!

    I am a mother of 3 extremely busy kids and found it hard to work myself into the mix between football, baseball, wrestling, soccer, softball, gymnastics, dance, team mom...volunteering...etc, etc...but I'm finding a way to do it! :) As hard as it seems sometimes...I feel SOOO much better!

    Thanks for starting this group!
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    What a great group! My name is Colleen and I'm 31 and have already lost almost 10 lbs since November, with about 10 to go to reach my first goal weight. When I was younger, I never had to do much to stay thin and was very active, but once I finished graduate school and started working at a desk all day, I packed on the pounds. Always made excuses about why I couldn't lose weight and genuinely thought I was just destined to be "chunky" all my life until this past November when I got fed up and decided to make a change. I want my body to finally reflect the "real" loving, sporty and active. My birthday is in June, so a huge bonus would be making my final goal weight (#3 in my sig) by then!!

    Looking forward to moving toward my goals with all of you!!
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Nice - Love that more moms are finding us. Let's keep this group going. I know it helps me. When I get bored at work I want to eat. Instead I'm wasting company time looking online.. lol

    Robin - Welcome, GREAT JOB on losing 40 already on your own. Thats amazing!!!

    Jmncolts- Welcome, I'm like you its hard but once I get done working out I feel wonderful. It's hard starting but the end is great. Sounds crazy but I can't wait for all the craziness with kids sports. Mine are young right now. 4 and 18 months but I'm already running around crazy. Working 40 hours, running a moms group and staying very active with my kids. We just love to be on the move. DH is excited for my son to start soccer this weekend but more excited about coaching t-ball this year. I have to say too, love your shirt in your pic. I need new clothes too bad.

    Colleen - I'm a June bday too. Hopefully we can celebrate come then skinner girls.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    hi all
    im 30 in september, my goal is to loose the last of my baby weight by then! im looking to get to 124-126lbs.

    i have been trying to loose weight over a year and managed to loose 18lbs over the course of last year by doing ww at home and zumba. but then i stopped trying and my weight plateaued at 141lbs. i joined 10 days ago and so far have lost 4lbs so im keen to continue. i work full time and my daughter goes to nursery ( daycare). my job is very active and i go to zumba twice a week and do a fitness dvd 2-3 times a week! its far too cold to run or could be tht im just lazy! lol :)
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Maria - I'm right there with you. It was -10 the other day when I got up to work out. I can't wait for the snow to be gone but I have a good 2 more months. I keep going back and forth, I should start training with a running group in Feb but I want to push it off to the next session. Thats just still too cold. Where are you from. I'm in Syracuse NY.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Maria - I'm right there with you. It was -10 the other day when I got up to work out. I can't wait for the snow to be gone but I have a good 2 more months. I keep going back and forth, I should start training with a running group in Feb but I want to push it off to the next session. Thats just still too cold. Where are you from. I'm in Syracuse NY.

    from the uk. ermm its about 3-4 degree here but getting colder! so i cant moan that its as cold as u! im thinking summer, warmer weather and i'll drag myself out to run! lol
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