Hello Everyone :)

Mizzswager Posts: 12
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
:happy: Hello, I wanted to introduce myself too :) I'm new to the forum but, am trying to stick to counting calories so I figure talking with others doing the same will provide some sort of motiviation! My name is Angela and two years ago I took off over 30lbs while working on my feet all day. In the last two years I have had surgery (taking me out of the gym for 4 months) and taken to a desk job. This has not gone well and I've gained almost all my weight back. I wasn't eating healthy and did not return to the gym promptly to get back on track. I have set in place hopefully some things to make me stick to it this time. Eating healthier and cooking healthy meals. No exact diet plan just counting calories and going back to the gym. I have set count downs in my cell phone to various travel plans this year as little check points. I am going to Vegas and Cabo this summer and am looking forward to hopefully by cabo (August) having dropped the weight back down. I hope everyone here is finding themselves successful. Happy Eating!


  • nybor101
    nybor101 Posts: 477 Member
    Hello! Good luck to you. I too am new to the forum. Sounds like a great summer.
  • Just checking to see if my signature works
  • Trying again
  • nybor101
    nybor101 Posts: 477 Member
    You should join our Easter Bunny Challenge.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Hi! I'm new here too and hope to connect with a few people who can help keep me on target and motivated. I am turning 50 this year and I really want to get the weight of the past couple of years off. I miss the feeling I had when I was in shape. I am getting back to the gym and trying to watch what I eat. It sounds like you have a great summer planned. Good luck and congrats on getting back to the You you want to be.
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