demi1611 Member


  • aww I didnt realise your babys still that young, I always have hair loss after pregnancy and its something that scares the life outta me!! Id already lost alot as my son was born in oct 2010 so Id had the hair loss from that and it had stopped. But after depo it started again :( Hope your settles down. As for the weight…
  • Im just under 5ft 3, Ive been on atkins for almost 3 wks, only lost 2lb.... :( started calorie counting now so hopefully it will work. I dont excersize , just run round after my 4 kids all day lol, and constant housework so im always on my feet. Im eating 1200 a day, but only started 3 days ago so will let u kno how it…
  • Hi, I had the depo shot in august 2011, I gained half a stone from only one shot! about 6 weeks into it, my hair started falling out in large amounts. Im not a large person so half a stone is alot for me. Honestly, I would never have that again, I even noticed my moods were terrible on it ( and so did my husband)....I dont…