Calling 5'2" girls



  • Chloe_2013
    Chloe_2013 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5' 3", with a small frame. I have MFP set at sedentary so I can log all my exercise, including things like vigorous housework and raking the lawn, but I don't count general every day activity.

    I manually set MFP at 1000 calories and I eat back all my exercise calories. I started at 134 at the beginning of the year and have been losing an average of 1.2 pounds per week.

    I am pretty much at my goal weight now, and just need to burn some fat around my middle and replace it with muscle.
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    1400 c. a day
    Never eat my exercise calories.
    Doing pretty good. Lost 25 pounds.
    Scared for the girl who eats 500 a day. Where is her mommy!? Bump that up to 1200 honey. It's okay, it doesn't have to happen today. Work up to healthy. That's the point, healthy, not skinny, healthy. Skinny is just a perk. I was fat most of my life...and guess what, I am awesome! I can entertain the hell out of myself. All I need is me.
  • deb62pink
    deb62pink Posts: 84 Member
    shellbell Bump Up My Post BUMP so you can see it later...
  • Kamile69
    Kamile69 Posts: 87
    I'm 5'2" short and wide with another 35 pounds to shed. My daily calories are 1500 and my activity level is set to moderate as I am an avid walker.

    When my calories were at 1370, I had hit a 1-month plateau, but when I increased them to 1500, I automatically lost 1.4 pounds, so I am now a firm believer in eat more, shed pounds! So far I've lost 14 pounds since November. This body of mine is in no hurry :ohwell:

    I am on MFP daily and measure very carefully including entering in receipes ,etc. so there is no guess work with my diary.
  • karen8873
    karen8873 Posts: 100 Member
    Im 5ft 2, and I recently went from 1300ish up to 1500 when I started weights. Currently I am maintaining. But was losing around 1300ish
  • melissa112
    melissa112 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm 5'2, 154lbs. Want to get to at least 126lb. I set my calorie goal using sedentary as I have a desk job, which is around 1222 cals. I then add on the exercise I do. This is my first week so I've just been adding the dog walking I'm doing, 1.5hrs a day, plus another hour or more on 4 days where I walk my nans dog for her.

    I don't know if this is advisable, but I use runkeeper and runtastic to monitor my walks. I have put my weight, age, height etc in there, but I'm not sure how accurate their calories are. They use GPS and are always within 0.01 miles of each other, and around 10 cal difference. I never trust the calories though as I don't have a HRM so I halve whatever calories it tells me I burn and add this on to my daily allowance. Usually gives me around 1450-1500 a day.

    I haven't weighed in yet, but I was following a 1400 cal diet a while ago and not eating back any exercise calories (I was doing loads of exercise), I did get to 8st10 but put it all back on over a year :( So I'm trying to do it more steadily!
  • I am 5'2", 53 yrs old, small frame. I eat 1200-1400/day and exercise about 400 cal/day. so... I net around 1000 calories. I have been maintaining my weight loss. I wish I could eat more but I have tried to up calories and I gain. I just have to be careful so that if I do go out or eat more, I get right back on track and get any excess weight off.
  • demi1611
    demi1611 Posts: 4 Member
    Im just under 5ft 3, Ive been on atkins for almost 3 wks, only lost 2lb.... :( started calorie counting now so hopefully it will work. I dont excersize , just run round after my 4 kids all day lol, and constant housework so im always on my feet. Im eating 1200 a day, but only started 3 days ago so will let u kno how it goes..Im not big anyway, I gained half a stone from stopping smoking in january so only want to lose another 5lb..
  • I'm 29 years old
    I currently weigh 183 and am trying to get down to 135
    MFP has my calorie intake set to 1200/day
    I typically exercise 5-6 days a week and burn about 200 calories each time
    I never eat back my calories I lose from exercise
    I've only been tracking for about 2 weeks, and am currently down 5lbs. It may not be much, but it's a big deal for me.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    1400 c. a day
    Never eat my exercise calories.
    Doing pretty good. Lost 25 pounds.
    Scared for the girl who eats 500 a day. Where is her mommy!? Bump that up to 1200 honey. It's okay, it doesn't have to happen today. Work up to healthy. That's the point, healthy, not skinny, healthy. Skinny is just a perk. I was fat most of my life...and guess what, I am awesome! I can entertain the hell out of myself. All I need is me.

    With all due respect, you should take your own advice. To only be eating 1400 and none of your exercise cals is no different than the position the OP is in. Plateaus will happen as well as possible loss of LBM.
  • I'm 5' even and I eat my TDEE - 20%, which is 1,557. I only eat back calories if I net below my BMR (1,262). I have my account set up for moderately active, as I work out 5-6 days a week for about 35-45 min a day on average. Believe me, as a previous 1200 calorie eater, I have seen WAY BETTER results then ever by eating above my BMR.

    I have a small frame and havent lost a pound in 4 years... I bumped my calories from 1200 to 1350 at first, didn't see much happening, then bumped up to 1,557 and lost almost 4 lbs within a month. Another important thing to remember is your macros... I eat 40/30/30 carbs, protein, fat.

    If you haven't already PLEASE READ this thread:
    It's all about the reasons your body needs to eat at least your BMR and how to quicken your metabolism by eating more instead of slowing it down by starving it with 1200 calories a day.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    1600 on non lifting days 2000 on lifting days 5ft3"
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I'm almost but not quite 5'3", was a healthy BMI but teetering on the edge of overweight. I am sedentary, but heavy lift 30min once a week, which I've been doing for more than a year. I do have a good amount of muscle. Ignore my ticker - I started on a diet a couple of weeks before signing on here and had already lost 3 lbs at a rate of a little more than 1 lb a week.

    I've lost the weight I have so far eating 1600 Cals per day. I do not eat exercise Cals back. This week I'm trying dropping my target Cals to somewhere between 1400 and 1600. I've been feeling slightly over-full after meals so decided to stop eating when I'm satisfied rather than feel like I need to clean my plate. We'll see how that goes.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    bumped from 1200 to 1500 non workout days......couldn't function on that low intake.......around 1700 on workout days..
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    I'm 5' even and I eat my TDEE - 20%, which is 1,557. I only eat back calories if I net below my BMR (1,262). I have my account set up for moderately active, as I work out 5-6 days a week for about 35-45 min a day on average. Believe me, as a previous 1200 calorie eater, I have seen WAY BETTER results then ever by eating above my BMR.

    I have a small frame and havent lost a pound in 4 years... I bumped my calories from 1200 to 1350 at first, didn't see much happening, then bumped up to 1,557 and lost almost 4 lbs within a month. Another important thing to remember is your macros... I eat 40/30/30 carbs, protein, fat.

    If you haven't already PLEASE READ this thread:
    It's all about the reasons your body needs to eat at least your BMR and how to quicken your metabolism by eating more instead of slowing it down by starving it with 1200 calories a day.

    Do you take all your exercise into consideration with your TDEE?

    I want to eat more to lose more but I donno...

    my TDEE is about 1620. I don't exercise every day but when I do, I eat more. So... is that kind of the same thing?

    my BMR is 1350. I've been trying eat about 1300.
    I don't think I'm consistant enough to know what actually works. :'(

    I saw results when I ate over 1500-1800 but exercised off about 500 (netting about 1100-1300)

    I'm 5'1 1/2" and I weigh between 127-130
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm 5'2" (and a half). i was set at 1200 cals,but I really think it is too low, so I'm never too upset if I'm a couple hundred over. I've been dealing with injuries, and cannot work out like I would like, but I have lost a few pounds and am maintaining. I usually eat back most of my calories for fear of the dreaded "starvation mode". I have lost weight in the past , with no exercise, at 1500, but I was still in my late 20s then. Late 30s metabolism is markedly different.
  • mcva929
    mcva929 Posts: 73 Member
    Well the way I am losing weight is extremely restrictive, I know this is unhealthy please don't tell me =/

    Well, you admit you know it's unhealthy, but do you know you will gain the weight back when you eat 'normal' again? Right? Also, you are lacking proper nutrition, so be prepared for your hair to start falling out.

    Hey, at least she won't have to worry about ever getting pregnant since her body will stop her reproductive cycle! Plus, her nails will be brittle and won't grow much, so she won't have to worry about getting them done.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I'm 1-2 inches taller. Weight 131. My maintenance calories are about 2150. Right now I'm eating 1800-2000 to lose 1-2 lbs per month. I lift 4 times per week (2 days OHP, chest press, rows, etc, 2 days squat, RDL, Etc) and walk and some cardio too
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I recently changed my activity to Active instead of my usual Very Active because I was in cheerleading and forced to maintain my body weight throughout the year. But now the season is over, the only thing we're doing is tumbling lessons. But I still have to keep maintaining myself cuz I'm 137 pounds and been back and forth to 135-138. It's really frustrating sometimes. But I rely on POP pilates and other workout DVDs and the gym whenever I have time. I'm eating 1200 calories a day. But I most of the time end up eating WAY less than I should. Paranoia I guess lol
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my daily goal is 1850 - a 12% deficit from my TDEE of 2094 (moderately active modifier). I heavy lift for 90 minutes three times a week burning an average of 600 calories each time.