

  • Gimme Gimme Gimme by Beenie Man! Here's a link to my zumba playlist on youtube :)
  • I actually gained weight my first couple weeks before I started losing anything. Everyone is different, so don't be discouraged - your body might just take more time! Good luck.
  • I second all of this, on second thought. Rihanna has some awesome workout tunes :)
  • A few I'm loving as of late... Rihanna - S&M (as someone else said) David Guetta ft. Rihanna - Who's That Chick Chris Brown - Yeah 3x Katy Perry ft. Kanye West - E.T.
  • welcome :) good luck with it!
  • I love it. It gives you a good stretch while adding some cardio for a sweat, too. She's not super picky about positions, so it's more about doing what you can rather than being in the perfect yoga pose. I've worked my way up to doing level one and two consecutively, and it's great! Enjoy!
  • *waves* Mississauga (outside of Toronto)
  • I always try to practice moderation instead of substitution. I never deprive myself of something I like. Why don't you try pizza like Dr. Oetker's. Alternatively, Whole Foods has dough and sauce you can buy to bake your own (it's really yummy!). Thin crust is good, and keep away from things like pepperoni that just add fat…
  • I usually take a break when I'm not feeling well. I made the mistake of working out once when I was sick and it just made it worse. If you really want to do something though, maybe try some yoga? Not Jillian Michael's or Bob Harper-style power yoga or anything, but something relatively calm. Feel better!
  • A new favourite (I omit the nuts because I think they taste better without). Not for every day, but I had them this morning (one serving is two decent sized pancakes) and it filled me up until lunch, which never happens. I put syrup on the pancakes and have a container of peach yogurt.…
  • Prepared foods have A LOT of sodium in them. Especially fast food like Wendys. Why not try to replicate those at home? It doesn't take too much time to make yourself a hamburger at home (you can even make some patties and freeze them so they're there when you feel like a burger), and it will have a lot less sodium in it.…