

  • Just a little advice you shouldn't base your macros on a percentage like it tells you to on the site, you should base them on what works for you, just try to hit protein in grams that is close to your body weight or at least half your bodyweight and you should be fine.
  • probably means you aint eating enough, or this is gunna sound terrible but you may need to eat some kind of stop sign foods, such as grapefruit, or using really hot spices when eating, for some reason after eating these foods you don't want to eat anymore
  • Not sure why but when I am sick I crave red meat, or tuna, cuz for some reason I think that meat really helps me recover, probably just the protein, However, if I had my way, I would eat a hug piece of salmon every day that I was sick cuz i think that salmon is amazing for the body. But, salmon is also expensive so I…
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