mrdexter1 Member


  • posts all seem a bit technical.... but back to reality ... you re new to weights, finding them heavy and you openly admit you are eating waay over your cals on a daily basis... having mentioned heavy weights, yes they might feel that way at the beginning, but in reality there s nothing you are lifting that merits one extra…
  • I can see only one advantage to staying below 20g carbs ... At the moment I show pink on keto sticks having eaten less than 20g now into five days of a renewed diet, but by next week despite maintaining sub 20g I will not show on keto sticks due to using macros of 210g protein and only 70 fat. The advantage is sub 20g…
    in Fruit Comment by mrdexter1 January 2015
  • women who cant accept no for an answer.. then seek the most vile vicious revenge stopping at nothing in using others to exact it simply because they are rejected. Always did my head in, why cant you just be friends and accept some of us are selective when it comes to the bedroom ..
  • In a cut throat buisness, joan enjoyed fame and fortune from making people laugh over many years and probably achieved more than she ever hoped for in life ... And certainly a dam site more than anyone here knocking her, i ll wager a large bet !!!
  • The pain could be said for the rest of your life... and will probably be most felt when you finally mature and the neat tattoo has taken on the appearance of a smudged mess on your wrinkly aged skin and is a long gone fashion !!! Time would be better spent on perfecting make up and the manner in which you dress and present…
  • not music .. fox news on the uselessness of america with a small "a" !!!
  • is it not obvious 2 women can both be measured and have the same well fitting sports bra and yet the shear limitation of the design cannot take into account one women at 19% bodyf at and one at 30%.. surely a bra supports better with solid foundations 19% rather than trying to support from a bed of wobbly fat 30%
  • you ll probably find the answer in your poor incomplete logging and the fact despite that you are already way over the 20g of carbs you claim to have stuck to. 20g will give you an insatiable thirst within 3 days, one of the key initial signs things are happening and that first week should be your biggest loss despite the…
  • No one mentioned tea tastes entirely different depending on the cup or mug you drink from... and you sure can ruin a good tea in a crap cup or make a crap tea taste good in a good cup.
  • All successful relationships are based on communication, openness and honesty from the start, and it seems a bit off to be hiding something that has such significance while an unsuspecting partner is allowed to become emotionally involved and at a later date unable to break the bond.
  • very factual. Seems to me two things are necessary to be successful, one being learning how to bulk and the other I used to find infinitely more demanding, learning how to diet, both on a personal level. With both of those optimised and tailored to your individual lifestyle, I see no point in using a handicapped slow…
  • It s called communication/conversation, and getting uptight and angry about something so trivial is more to do with your problems than anything they have said. Be nice , chill or see a shrink !!
  • Bah.. always see the negative side ay ! put a positive spin on his words and its a compliment as a lot of women wouldn't look "fabulous" if they lost 50LB never mind a mere20LB !!!!! Tears over that comment... you need to grow up and harden up as it s a tough world out there ... ( Seems the majority of people losing weight…
  • As a child being the only foreign (Italian) kid living in at one of the best uk private schools in the racist rough and tumble 1970 s there s little you can tell me about the negativity others can dump on you, but as if I d pay any attention !! Truth is , it actually made me feel a better person than the likes of them and…
  • Begs the question , how stupid do you have to be to listen to that and believe it !
  • pointless existence ? a knotted rope springs to mind or DO something !
  • That is just how normal people feel all their lives .. would nt know how someone could live a lifetime any different - ???
  • Used to, just off via portuense ... next time I m back its the national news for me as I m taking a dip in the trevi fountains and going to explain I was so excited to be back I couldn't help myself !
  • half danish ,half italian, brought up in uk - ( love bacon, talk bolux and can be a plonka)
  • did 7 cups a day whilst using keto diet... It doesn't stain your teeth like normal tea and as I hate uk black coffee I had to find a hot drink without milk . After a couple of days I grew to like it !
  • it s great.. loving the theme t
  • made up with flu because some germ ridden idiot decided to go to the gym.... i d say someone like you made me sick ,,, stay at home.
  • 220g protein, 85 g fat, sub 20g carbs took 30lb off me quickly last year and as my weight dropped I cut some protein out. It worked well for me considering, but now I m on prescribed testosterone I seem to be losing fat and gaining strength and muscle in all the right places just eating sensibly. ( my start point was 21%…
  • cold shower for weight loss ! you should listen to your mother... its for stifling a stiffy !!!
  • The young lass bent down for my shoe fitting, and all I had thrust in my face was a builders crack with 2 inch red vertical welts all along her back and side wings that were stretch marks - it was horrific and I' ll never forget the shock and never want to see anything like it ever again I was so traumatised.
  • kick the cardio into touch.. use a mans lifting program and start to use some real weight a max of 3 to 4 times a week dependant on recovery times.. get your diet and rest right. you have to push and grunt like the rest of us and have a determination that's rarely seen in women attending a normal gym !! consistency and…
  • As you progress gaining weight.. your strength should increase and you move to heavier weights. if your strength doesn't re getting fat and need to get your training routine right for what you are trying to achieve and that's the easy bit.. Its the dieting that's a f....ker !
  • day and night, but its just a part of my routine and I pay little attention to it ..
  • some will be stuck with a woolly mammoth's rather than a camels foot !!!
  • Every single member of this forum is here because they don't want to live with their personal degree of fatness and want to change/ improve their health... As members we don't accept the way we are so if we cant accept our own " fatness" why would any of us accept it in others !