

  • Hi there, I always have a cheat night every week. I weigh myself every Saturday morning. Then on a Saturday I eat normally (counting my calories) for breakfast and lunch and then on a Saturday night have what I want with a few treats and I'm still loosing a pound a week. I know a lot of people don't always do this but…
    in Cheat Days? Comment by 79shirl May 2013
  • Hi guys, I know you are all right and that slower weight loss is better, and I should keep going. My Aunty does weigh more than me so I know that by her cutting back a little and doing a bit of exercise she'll get better results in the first instane. I'm 5ft 9 tall and currently weight 10st 13 pounds (153 pounds)and i do…
  • Hi JohnDun, Well done to you for nearly getting to your target weight. There is no better feeling. I'm getting there slowly but surely and have no doubt I will again be at my target weight. It's great to get the added support, help and advise for other MFP members as i have never been party to communities such as this. I'm…
  • Hi there guys, I will be starting to consume my calories burnt off at he gym when I go tomorrow and must say I'm loving the idea as sometimes it's so hard to even stay awake surviving on 1200 calories a day when I've worked so hard at the gym. cannot weight until weigh day on Saturday :-)
  • Hi there, I'm just at the stage in my weight loss now where the cellulite in my thighs has become a lot more noticable. I body brush everyday day now as part of my morning ritual and usually did it 4 weeks before going on holiday and always noticed a difference. So invest in a good firm body brush and after a couple of…
  • Hi joannesmith, If you don't mind me asking how much weight have you been loosing just on 1200 calories a day. Mine has been very slow at a pound a week and I had one week were I lost three pounds. It does seem to explain a lot with my slow weight loss sounds like I've been going into starvation mode consuming too fewer…
  • Hi guys, Thanks for taking the time to post your advice. Starting this week I'm going to eat the calories I'll burn at the gym.......and am looking forward to it too :-). I must admit that I have been getting to the end of the week and have been feeling drained and this explains why. It's so hard getting the right diet…
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