

  • I understand!!! So much so that I do not even have a scale at home so I can't weigh at home!
  • I'm sure I am missing something because I am no trainer, but I'm not seeing the sense in eating 1700 calories and not working out...sounds like that would just make you gain?!? How many calories are you supposed to eat in a day? I weigh more than you and only are supposed to have 1200 per day (1500 if you added in the…
  • Awww...being an avid Mt. Dew drinker, I can relate, but I haven't had one in two weeks. I'm not a "plain" water drinker, but flavoring it with the Crystal light packets have worked great!!! The Wild Strawberry flavor even has caffine in it so it helped to not get headaces in the beginning. ;) I find that if I portion out…
  • I sort of follow Weight Watchers so I CAN actually eat something if I want it. I also have found that working out at home (on a schedule if you can) helps. I can't seem to do they gym thing with the kids. Also, if you can eat about the same thing for breakfast and lunch each day (at least similiar) calculating your points…