Help me pls...

mirandag26 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
SO...I've recently began this weight loss "plan" so you would call it or a goal I'm setting for myself I'm having a hard time, first it was working out I had no motivation to do anything but now I have some buddies and I was nervous to go to the gym alone because I'm self conscious but I'm doing good at trying that so now I have motivation and friends to work out which make that part easier!! But my problem is this...I'm tracking my food and exercise on here everyday BUT...I'm currently unemployed and I have been for some time and I'm getting to the point where my unemployment is about ready to run out and I'm not having any luck in my job searches its depressing me and I'm home pretty much all day by myself because my daughter is in school and I get bored so I want to eat and its like I try to tell myself no but I do it anyways. I've totally cut out soda I had cravings for it last week and I gave in and totally felt horrible afterwords so I'm ok on that but over the weekend I ate horribly and yesterday I did ok but I ate a few nachos and later I went and worked out I felt horrible afterwords again...why do I keep doing this to myself even though I hate the feeling afterwords I can't say no?! And today my daughter was home sick so I didn't get to go work out and I ate to much today I know it and I feel like crap I'm hating myself for it and I need some help to kick this! I always thougth I'd never kick the soda habbit and I did I went from only drinking soda to not drinking it at all!! (yaay!) And I never thought I'd ever get to where exercise was a daily routine but now it is!! (yaay again!) But for some reason this food thing I can't seem to over come I must say that I have been eating healthier but its not what I'm eating its how much I just feel like all I want to do is eat when I'm at home and lets face it I don't pay rent to stay away from home...I know I need to find work and things will be ok but until then what do I do I'm scared that I'm not going to be able to get over this....

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  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    i am a stay at home mom so I can relate to the being at home and eating.
    It took a while for me but what wound up working (for me) was gum and a new habit (knitting, writing and sewing) that occupies my hands and mind....I do that when Im just sitting and it has help me to overcome the putting stuff in my mouth habit. I realized after a few weeks that I wasnt eating because I was hubgry but instead because I was idle.
    Keep with it - you can get over this hump!!
  • mirandag26
    mirandag26 Posts: 10 Member
    thank you so much that is helpful to know!! :happy:
  • I know how u feel hon! I overeat when i'm bored, anxious, tired, sad, ect.... Just tell yourself on a slip up day that you will do better the next. Beating yourself up only makes you feel worse. even the skinniest person has bad eating days. just know that you have support here and will help u in any way possible. keep your head up high! You are an awesome woman!!!!!!
  • mirandag26
    mirandag26 Posts: 10 Member
    awe thank you!!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hey, chin up over there! you can do this. i found myself in a very similar situation when i decided to go back to school to be an elementary school teacher - well, i finished up my coursework and received my licensure last may. i still have no teaching job, and what i like to do best when i'm bored is read a book while eating raw cookie dough, cheeze doodles and dr. pepper. which is just what i did for a good while. it is really hard being at the house all day while my husband is off making money. i would say 'i'll work out today' and 'i'll clean the house today' but that would rarely happen, because it is a hard thing to jump up and make like you have this agenda to keep to when you have 7 or 8 hours of nothing all day everyday.

    i just got off my bum about two weeks ago, and i've been going strong. for me, two weeks at anything is good! i made a little chart with one chore listed under each day of the week. i look at it and think, 'if you only do one thing today, it needs to be <whatever is on the chart>'. i also made a schedule and stuck it on the fridge. it says things like 'breakfast' and 'shower' and 'workout'. i just try to really hold to what that piece of paper says, because i basically have all the time in the world, but i wanted to have something to show for it.

    i also try to cook something new each week - that really helps me with the food thing. there is a great veggie beef soup recipe that is way better than campbell's and lasts for a few meals i can give you if you want. and it is *super* hard not to give in! but it is possible. but it might take more than one try, like most things, so don't beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon. just get back up and do your thing. it's all anyone can do. so hang in there!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Well I was laid off in June. I can say it is a humiliating, stressful time. The one thing I did decide was that I may never have this much free time again in my life & that I was going to for once put me first. I literally started p90x & overhauled my diet the week after I got laid off. So, good for you for not just moping around & staying in bed but instead working out & trying to eat better!

    I am also home alone all day. I have started logging my food in MFP the night before. I plan tons of small meals & snacks to have throughout the day. I seriously eat something every 2-2.5 hours. It may sometimes only be 12 almonds or 2 light string cheese sticks, but I feel I can eat almost constantly. If I start feeling like I want something, I can look at the clock & think "ok in about 30 minutes it will have been 2 hours, so I'll wait until then". The planning ahead & small meals & snacks throughout the day have been my savior.

    Good luck!!!!!! & quitting diet coke has been one of the hardest things I've ever done. I lasted about 3 months. I now have maybe 4-5 per week. That battle will never end for me! :ohwell:
  • Hey women!! I know exactly how you feel! As you know I am home everyday with my kids!!! And eating is all I ever want to do! I just had this conversation with my mom this morning! I am ALWAYS hungry and feel like I can't eat anything cause I don't know what is good for me! I have NEVER been able to control what I eat and I know that is half the battle! The one thing she told me to do was alway check the fat content in everything you pick up to eat! It has helped me a ton! If you see how much fat you are actually taking in it makes you stop and think about eating that!! I for one and a snacker...So I loaded my fridge with yogurt and got me some fat free pretzel sticks! You can eat like 40 pretzels and not have any fat! Life saver for me! I love I went to pretzels!! Keep your head up! You can do this I know you can! Cause I am right there with you! I so far have lost 10 lbs!!! It it awesome when you can see what you are doing for yourself! I for one gave up pop also! VERY VERY HARD!!! Glad we both accomplished that! Just wanted to let you know I am here for you if you need me!! I am really set this time on loosing the weight! I dont know what clicked this time but, I think it might actually work!!! You will get the bugs worked out just keep your head up!!!!
  • mirandag26
    mirandag26 Posts: 10 Member
    awe shannon thanks!! if you ever need a walking buddy or work out partner don't hesitate to ask :) food is the enemy and we have to beat it!! its hard living on a budget and trying to eat right ya know?! I love yogurt I too have stocked up on it yoplait is the best you have to try the cinnamon roll yum!! anyways thanks so much for you vote of confidence!! and good luck to you as well and congrats on the 10lbs!!:wink:
  • Awww...being an avid Mt. Dew drinker, I can relate, but I haven't had one in two weeks. I'm not a "plain" water drinker, but flavoring it with the Crystal light packets have worked great!!! The Wild Strawberry flavor even has caffine in it so it helped to not get headaces in the beginning. ;) I find that if I portion out foods into snack size bags and containers in the fridge it helps. So, that way if you grab something to eat, you're more aware of how much you are eating. Once you eat a bag, you'd have to make a conscious decision to eat another. One thing you could do is to volunteer at your daughters school. It would help give you something to do. I teach, and ALWAYS love for parents to come help! You could go in and read to them once a week, eat lunch with your daughter at school, copy papers for her teacher, etc....Not sure what your job was or what kind of work you are looking for, but schools also always need good subs...and that does pay. Having a purpose and getting out of the house leaves you less time to a hobby or past time would help. Good job on what you've managed to do so far, and don't "beat yourself up!" Not sure if you have ever looked into Weight Watchers or not, but on that dies plan there is NO food that is you could eat a little of something if you planned the rest of your day "safely"....You and your daughter could also go for walks together after school or some other kind of excercise together. Hope this helps! Keep at it!
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